A Person Severely Allergic To Cats Tells His Best Friend Not To Bring His Pet To His Going Away Party, Causing A Rift In Their Friendship

"Forget about the severe allergies for a minute. Who the hell brings a cat to a party?!!?!?"

A Person Severely Allergic To Cats Tells His Best Friend Not To Bring His Pet To His Going Away Party, Causing A Rift In Their Friendship

There are several degrees of allergic reactions. If you’ve lived with them long enough, you learn how to deal with them.

Although it doesn’t make you any less miserable when they hit. Whether they’re mild or severe, there’s always an inconvenience or in the worst case, a fatal emergency. 

This is why allergies are not to be taken lightly and if it poses a severe health risk, you should inform people around you about them. They should also understand when you are trying to protect yourself.

In a r/AITA post, a friendship between OP and his long-time best friend might be falling apart because of a decision he made regarding his allergies. It started when his friend started dating someone years ago, which everyone was happy about.

But with his friend’s girlfriend being an introvert and him adapting more to that, OP hardly ever spent time with his friend anymore. They then adopted a cat which they loved taking everywhere and devoting their time to it. 

OP understands loving pets as he and his girlfriend have dogs of their own who they spoil rotten but admittedly not to the extent as his friend’s. He still supported their happiness and didn’t show disagreement at all.

When OP and his girlfriend had plans of moving, they threw a going away party where his friend asked if they could bring their cat with them. The problem is that OP is severely allergic and wouldn’t want to spend the party being miserable.

Even over-the-counter allergy medicines won't offer any relief since OP's allergy to cats is that severe

Even over-the-counter allergy medicines won't offer any relief since OP's allergy to cats is that severeu/RagingTails

OP asked if they can at least swing by for a few minutes to say goodbye but OP's best friend wasn't budging

OP asked if they can at least swing by for a few minutes to say goodbye but OP's best friend wasn't budgingu/RagingTails

His friend pushed for solutions but OP refused and now his friend and girlfriend are upset with him, choosing not to go.

His friend pushed for solutions but OP refused and now his friend and girlfriend are upset with him, choosing not to go.u/RagingTails

It caused a bit of a rift between their friend group as some agreed with the friend and others with OP.

It caused a bit of a rift between their friend group as some agreed with the friend and others with OP.u/RagingTails

OP is upset that his lifelong best friend won't be at their going away party but he just cannot will away an allergy because his best friend asked him to. Did OP handle the disagreement poorly?

OP is upset that his lifelong best friend won't be at their going away party but he just cannot will away an allergy because his best friend asked him to. Did OP handle the disagreement poorly?u/RagingTails

Two main reasons why OP declined his best friend’s request and people think they’re reasonable.

Two main reasons why OP declined his best friend’s request and people think they’re reasonable.Whitestaunton

Even excluding the way the cat might behave, even nonchalantly bringing up to OP that you want to bring something they’re very allergic to comes off as disregarding their health.

Even excluding the way the cat might behave, even nonchalantly bringing up to OP that you want to bring something they’re very allergic to comes off as disregarding their health.dodekahedron

People with allergies have it hard enough trying to make sure their safety in environments without having to burden others

People with allergies have it hard enough trying to make sure their safety in environments without having to burden othersUmm_is_this_thing_on

Also, for those who are wondering, this is what “food of the water” is

Also, for those who are wondering, this is what “food of the water” iskfarrel3, Umm_is_this_thing_on

A Redditor have OP’s same allergies and although they care for cats, they wouldn’t be able to bear their presence

A Redditor have OP’s same allergies and although they care for cats, they wouldn’t be able to bear their presenceScumbucket22

The situation might also escalate to a chaotic one when things go wrong with the cat and OP’s dogs

The situation might also escalate to a chaotic one when things go wrong with the cat and OP’s dogsCarefulSignal7854

Even for trained cats

Even for trained catsBeautiful_Device_250

Although, according to OP they are shut-ins so the cat might not be as used to people or the outside as much

Although, according to OP they are shut-ins so the cat might not be as used to people or the outside as muchWhitestaunton

There is a more practical reason for OP to say no to his friend rather than the friend not wanting to leave his cat if you weigh out the situation

There is a more practical reason for OP to say no to his friend rather than the friend not wanting to leave his cat if you weigh out the situationbigbluebridge

OP was voted as NTA by a majority of the Redditors, emphasizing that his reason was medically related and should be taken seriously. It might be upsetting that as OP moves away, he’s still trying to figure out how to not let the rift in his friend group become bigger but he is decidedly not in the wrong in this situation.

And it is a weird situation...
