Cat Parent Introduces Their Furball To Cat TV, Now She’s Completely Obsessed And Has Lost Desire To Do Anything Else

One kitty’s hilarious descent into addiction.

  • Published in Funny
Cat Parent Introduces Their Furball To Cat TV, Now She’s Completely Obsessed And Has Lost Desire To Do Anything Else

Finding the perfect gift for your pet can feel like winning the lottery. In our narrator’s (Original Poster’s) case, they hit the jackpot when they discovered cat TV.

OP’s cat, who usually turned her nose up at the latest trendy toys and plush beds, was instantly captivated. Finally, something that didn't end up as a forgotten relic under the couch!

OP was thrilled to see her so engaged. Her eyes remained glued to the screen as birds flitted and chirped and other tantalizing creatures danced across the display. But, oh, how quickly the tables turned. 

Their little bundle of fur became addicted—hook, line, and sinker. OP had unleashed a feline monster with an insatiable appetite for her new favorite show!

After a good binge-watching session, OP thought it was time for some human TV—big mistake. Not even half an hour passed before she was back, meowing her protest loud and clear. 

Her message was unmistakable: switch back to cat TV, or else—it was a threat no human could refuse. Every few minutes, she would pretend to lose interest and wander towards their lap or the window; yet, without fail, a new bird call would reel her back in.

It was like watching a tiny furry addict with the world's shortest attention span and biggest enthusiasm. Would OP ever get to watch human TV again? It was a slim chance.

The story in detail

The story in

OP tried several methods to get her cat’s attention and eventually found a way to keep her happy. Unfortunately, her cat has gotten addicted to it.

OP tried several methods to get her cat’s attention and eventually found a way to keep her happy. Unfortunately, her cat has gotten addicted to

OP realized tuning the TV to cat stations kept her car happy. However, she noticed that when he changed the channel, her cat would seek attention until the channel was changed.

OP realized tuning the TV to cat stations kept her car happy. However, she noticed that when he changed the channel, her cat would seek attention until the channel was

Check out some interesting comments below:

Check out some interesting comments

“There is a iPad generation of cats now.”

“There is a iPad generation of cats now.”

“I accidentally did this to my brother's cat. It started with little cat games on my phone, then playing YouTube videos for her on the TV.”

“I accidentally did this to my brother's cat. It started with little cat games on my phone, then playing YouTube videos for her on the TV.”

“He'll sit there and paw at my show until I give up and let him watch catTV.”

“He'll sit there and paw at my show until I give up and let him watch catTV.”

“When my cat is in the mood she will literally watch anything on TV. She seems to like Friends actually.”

“When my cat is in the mood she will literally watch anything on TV. She seems to like Friends actually.”

“Mine has always ignored TV, but now that she's had kitty TV it seems like she's sometimes paying more attention to people TV.”

“Mine has always ignored TV, but now that she's had kitty TV it seems like she's sometimes paying more attention to people TV.”

“When I'm on my computer, my old lady Sadie will scream until I put a pillow in my lap, then she'll hop up and stare at whatever I'm doing on my screen lol.”

“When I'm on my computer, my old lady Sadie will scream until I put a pillow in my lap, then she'll hop up and stare at whatever I'm doing on my screen lol.”

“My father-in-law’s parrot loves to watch cartoons but is a very discerning viewer.”

“My father-in-law’s parrot loves to watch cartoons but is a very discerning viewer.”

“She also loves it when I’m watching Italian-language shows and Nordic noir.”

“She also loves it when I’m watching Italian-language shows and Nordic noir.”

Redditors chimed in with their own cat TV tales that spelled adorable in every language. One user shared how they ended up donating an old tablet to their cat, who now lounges with a blanket, watching videos solo. 

Another suggested getting a cheap second TV just for the feline entertainment. One thing everyone could agree on was that introducing cats to TV was a slippery slope.

Spoiling pets? Absolutely. But seeing the joy it brings makes it all worth it.

What do you think about this story? Let us know in the comments.
