Digital Artist Designs Disney Princesses In Modern, Casual Outfits And They're Stunning

Can we get a Disney fashion line based off of these designs, please?

  • Published in Disney
Digital Artist Designs Disney Princesses In Modern, Casual Outfits And They're Stunning

Canadian 3D Artist and Designer Felice Xu was an illustrator and art teacher in China before taking a job over four years ago as a 3D Modeler at Guru Studio in Toronto, Canada. Xu says, "I love designing characters, sketching, CG animation and sculpting."

On Instagram, Xu has over 35.1k followers and it's easy to see why. Her artwork is colorful, soft but vibrant, and incredible. Naturally, as huge Disney fans, we were drawn to her series on Disney Princesses dressed in modern, casual clothes and we knew you would really get a kick out of it, too!

1. Rapunzel

1. Rapunzelfelice.xu

2. Elsa

2. Elsafelice.xu

3. Jasmine

3. Jasminefelice.xu

4. Merida

4. Meridafelice.xu

5. Ariel

5. Arielfelice.xu

6. Moana

6. Moanafelice.xu

7. Mulan

7. Mulanfelice.xu

8. Cinderella

8. Cinderellafelice.xu

9. Pocahontas

9. Pocahontasfelice.xu

10. Tiana

10. Tianafelice.xu

11. Belle

11. Bellefelice.xu

12. Anna

12. Annafelice.xu

13. Aurora, Sleeping Beauty

13. Aurora, Sleeping Beautyfelice.xu

14. Snow White

14. Snow Whitefelice.xu

15. Vanellope

15. Vanellopefelice.xu



Which one was your favorite? Let us know in the comments.
