Cards Against Disney Is Now Available In Case You Needed More Reasons To Cringe

The minds behind Cards Against Humanity parody games are back at it to prove that nothing is sacred.

  • Published in Disney
Cards Against Disney Is Now Available In Case You Needed More Reasons To Cringe

Anyone who has ever played Cards Against Humanity knows the bizarre thrill of awkward possibilities. Especially if you've ever played with your family. Or worse - your SO's family.

You can now take the discomfort even further by completely uprooting everything you once loved about the world of Disney. Enter: Cards Against Disney. This unofficial parody version of the game is for adults only and for good reason. This game is not safe for work, not safe for your 7-year-old niece and absolutely packed with hilarity.

For now, the game is solely available as a digital download, but you can print them off yourself and begin making everyone around you twitchy (the 8th dwarf everyone forgets about).

With 828 new Disney themed cards, you'll have plenty of options to shatter your youth.


The game comes with the familiar black cards that we all know and love, but with a Disney spin.


The white cards are equally as disturbed as the black ones, making us all unsure if spontaneous outbursts of tears may follow.


The only question is: Just how sinister can you be?


No matter which answers you come up with - we're pretty sure this is NOT what Walt had in mind!
