Cute Cats Have Extremely Creative Humans Who Built Cardboard Tanks For Them
Because why the heck not?

We've poked a lot of fun at disgruntled cats who weren't so amused about lockdowns, quarantines, and social distancing. BUT it hasn't all been doom and gloom for cats living the lockdown lifestyle.
Oodles and oodles of us have been practicing social distancing and spending a lot, a lot of quality quarantine time at home with our cats, still. At the beginning of the global pandemic, people still had quite a bit of optimism and creativity to spare, mostly on behalf of their cats.
People who are not particularly high risk or who have not been engaging in risky behavior for this long are finding themselves, well, beyond bored. And out of boredom breeds incredible creativity.
Building or buying cardboard tanks for cats is not especially new but a lot of people have a lot more time on their hands right now (and a lot of Amazon purchases, to boot,) so the surge of cat tanks has been impressive.
Honestly? We're not even remotely mad, look at these bad boys! These are amazing and these cats are lucky.

"I prepare for the noble war"
Other ways to make sure your cats are getting the best treatment, pampering, and love during quarantine? Check out this guide. Also premium spoiling the cats in this guide.

"Lieutenants catto reporting for duty! Target acquired! Proceed!"
Respectfully, they've kind of already dominated a good portion of the human race.

"Tank Cat!"
It's probably got nothing to do with their desire for global domination (...or does it?)

Onward, into battle.
I'm so glad this concept exists.

"Inspired by another post to make my cat her own tank"
As long as you make sure the tanks have no weapon functions, you shouldn't have to worry about your cats successfully taking over the world. (...or do you?)

"Lockdown + boxes = cat tank."
Don't let a few negative cats cause you to hesitate, clearly the evidence overwhelmingly suggests cats dig cardboard tanks.

"Essential mouse killer reporting for duty."
How are our pets handling lock downs? They're tolerating us.

What. Are. You. Waiting. For??

"Quarantine had me bored so my stepdad and I made a cat tank"
Honestly, I could look at cats in tanks all day.

"Quarantine day 11: my mom build a tank for our cats."
Building a tank for your cat requires patience, a bit of time, and lots of boxes.

Cant build one? Buy one.
The British Veterinary Association (BVA) recommends that pet owners keep their cats indoors to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, especially if someone in the household shows symptoms.

"When you start building a tank for your cat ... the confinement starts to be long ... but everything is good for passing the time"
I need all of you reading this to go make a cat tank, please?

"Telyn decided to make a tank...... for her cat...... Other than my concern that I might be raising the next Carole Baskin, I’m actually pretty impressed with her creativity. Grizzly seemed to love it also."
This cat has that look that says, "try me u lil b*tch"

"We built our cat a tank out of leftover cardboard."
Cats love it, obviously.

"Took me all afternoon but I regret nothing!"
President of the BVA Daniella Dos Santos told the BBC that all pet owners should “practice good hygiene” because “an animal’s fur could carry the virus for a time” if the pet came into contact with someone who’s ill.

"I'm ready to beat the virus, and you? Have you your own tank?"
I trust him.

"I’ve reached the “built a tank for the cat” stage of quarantine."
I'm also glad it's growing in popularity.

"Why not?"
In an interview with Bored Panda, Topsy and Turvy's mum, Anna, said:
"As any cat owner knows, with owning cats we tend to hang on to boxes for a while. Topsy in particular is very insistent on being able to examine any packages we bring in and testing out how good they are for sitting in after being opened
We’ve started keeping various boxes in the different rooms of our apartment for them since they’re preferred over their actual cat beds. I’d seen the 'cat tank' meme online several times on social media. One evening, after finishing a role of paper towels (and finally having a potential gun for the cannon) I thought, 'why not?!' It took me about two hours one evening to build."

Putting your tank ontop of a roomba is a sure-fire way to have a good chuckle as well, depending on your cat's tolerance levels.

"Dom has been seeing others make tanks for their cats so he had to try his hand at it. I’d say he did a pretty good job!"
Quarantine, working from home, and never leaving the house has been a lot for our cats to process. We've seen pets all over the world respond hilariously to the bonus quality time.

"Finally our cat in a tank. Took her about a week."

"She wants to join in #cattanks."
The more creative or atrocious, the better.

"When you have a lot of time on your hands + many boxes + a curious adorable cat = The Thorminator."
In fact, I need more cat tanks in my social media feeds.

"This is what we did today."
USA Today shared an important recommendation for keeping our cats healthy and happy during quarantine:
"Keeping your pets eating well and on the same diet is a recommendation for maintaining their good health in general. Grocery stores and online retailers are rapidly selling out of household essentials like toilet paper, and while we do not encourage anyone to over-buy, it’s smart to check on your pet food supply to ensure you have at least a couple of weeks’ worth, just in case. Chewy is still shipping and has stock of hundreds of favorite brands."

"Every cat needs a tank to defend their castle. I can't tell you how frustrating this was to build."
My favorite tanks are the ones with decorative painting. Case in point:

"Day 43: The cat is not as nearly as impressed as I am."
If your cat does not like their fancy tank, don't feel too bad. They might yet come around. Either way, you got to do something creative for Internet points.

"The cat tank is coming along nicely...however General McTubs jacked me up for not having added a co-axial gun and some grenade launcher type system."
And while our cats cannot catch the novel coronavirus that we know of, veterinarians are urging families to keep their pets indoors and make sure their coats of fur stay clean because it is believed that the virus can live on their fur for an indiscriminate amount of time.

"Made my cat a tank, not as good as others I’d seen. And we had to bribe him to get the photo."
Of course, maximum perk: picture of cats in and around said tanks.

"We made the cat a tank today. I think she likes it."
Enthusiasm intensifies.

"New Fort!"
It's no mystery that our cat companions enjoy boxes, cardboard, and places they can squeeze and hide inside. These creative creations people are making tick all the boxes for our cats' desires, don't they?
