Hilarious Dad Jokes Are Being Made Into Memes With The Perfect Template From Captain America

As the superhero trends continue, we ready to seize the day along with them.

  • Published in Disney
Hilarious Dad Jokes Are Being Made Into Memes With The Perfect Template From Captain America

A hilarious new trend has swept the internet once again, and this time it's Captain America dad jokes.The dad jokes started popping up and first went viral in February, 2020. Then again in May.

Luckily, they're are more and more being added daily. The backstory of the still scenes that are mostly being used are from Captain America's 2014 movie, The Winter Soldier, and the 2019 movie, Endgame.

So be cautiously aware of spoilers among the memes! In Winter Soldier, Captain America fights a heavy handful of Hydra soldiers in an elevator.

Except in Endgame, Captain America goes back in time. So the same scene occurs again, but this time he whispers, "Hail Hydra" to Jasper Sitwell in attempt to avoid the fight altogether.

1. LOL, this is too good.

1. LOL, this is too good.boredpanda.com

2. Lawwwwd, I can't with this one LOL.

2. Lawwwwd, I can't with this one LOL.boredpanda.com

3. Terrible. Just awful LOL, wow.

3. Terrible. Just awful LOL, wow.boredpanda.com

4. For Pete's sake...LOL.

4. For Pete's sake...LOL.boredpanda.com

5. Good guess.

5. Good guess.boredpanda.com

6. The worst!

6. The worst!boredpanda.com

7. Duh.

7. Duh.boredpanda.com

8. You're so serious right now... LOL!

8. You're so serious right now... LOL!boredpanda.com

9. I can't even express how good this one is actually.

9. I can't even express how good this one is actually.boredpanda.com

10. Ooo burn baby burn.

10. Ooo burn baby burn.

11. Alright, this one is the WORST of them all! LOL.

11. Alright, this one is the WORST of them all! LOL.boredpanda.com

12. How? Just... How does one come up with these? LOL.

12. How? Just... How does one come up with these? LOL.boredpanda.com

13. Legend, lol.

13. Legend, lol.boredpanda.com

14. Just A W F U L, LOL.

14. Just  A W F U L,  LOL.boredpanda.com

15. I mean, it makes sense though.

15. I mean, it makes sense though.LP_Mac

16. How have I never heard this one before? Goodness, lol.

16. How have I never heard this one before? Goodness, lol. boredpanda.com

17. Fanta. Fanta.

17. Fanta. Fanta.boredpanda.com

18. It's an ongoing job. Literally.

18. It's an ongoing job. Literally.boredpanda.com

19. Yep, nope. This one wins, LOL.

19. Yep, nope. This one wins, LOL.boredpanda.com

20. You can't see it, but my forehead is in my palm in this moment.

20. You can't see it, but my forehead is in my palm in this moment.boredpanda.com



22. If someone tells these to my husband, I'm doomed.

22. If someone tells these to my husband, I'm doomed.boredpanda.com


23. LAWWWWD!boredpanda.com

24. This one I've heard before, lol.

24. This one I've heard before, lol.boredpanda.com

25. Bahahahaha burn baby, burn.

25. Bahahahaha burn baby, burn.boredpanda.com

26. Spin it, spin it real good.

26. Spin it, spin it real good.boredpanda.com

27. DUH!

27. DUH!boredpanda.com


28. FSHHHH.boredpanda.com

29. Ruff, ruff!

29. Ruff, ruff!boredpanda.com

30. Unbelievable, lol.

30. Unbelievable, lol. reddit.com