Entitled Mom And Daughter Stop Their Neighbor To Demand Candy - Not Knowing His Candy Bag Contained Used Cat Litter
"Where do you think Tootsie Rolls come from, kid?"
- Published in Animal Stories
Children are warned not to approach strangers who offer them candy. Strangers aren't told what to do when a child approaches them and demands candy.
So, when a child and her entitled mom stopped a young cat owner to demand the bag of used cat litter they mistook for candy, he confusedly gave the bag up. OP has two cats whose litter boxes need to be cleaned often.
OP successfully placed the used cat litter on a used grocery bag and double-bagged it in case it broke to avoid smelly accidents. The outer plastic bag OP used was coincidentally from a local sweet shop.
OP was headed to the dumpster when a young girl approached him and said, "Hey, can I have some candy?" OP was confused and didn't immediately realize why the kid thought he had candy.
The kid's mom moved closer to them and told OP not to play stupid. He had a bag from the candy shop, therefore, he must have candy.
OP finally caught on and told the duo the bag was not full of candy. The mom didn't believe OP and said he should give her daughter candy so they could continue their walk.
Unwilling to further their conversation, OP handed the bag to the mother and daughter. The two looked happy, thinking they successfully berated OP into handing over his candy haul.
Their faces fell in disappointment when they finally opened the bag. They returned to demand the candy OP promised the daughter.
Saphire0910OP said he never promised anything. The mom yelled loudly enough for OP's mother to overhear.
Saphire0910His mom intervened and asked what the commotion was about. OP's mom saw and realized her son had the misfortune of upsetting the local entitled lady.
Saphire0910OP's mom took offense to the entitled lady's yelling. She informed her they had security cameras on their property. She could check if she told the correct version of events and threatened to call the cops if she lied and trespassed on their property. Mom and daughter left, unwilling to test their luck with law enforcement.
Saphire0910This one money-saving trick millionaires don't want you finding about!
Three_Twenty-ThreeWhen you think your life sucks, just remember that you at least don't know anyone this entitled.
PRMan99Some of them are so much worse than OP's local entitled lady. They wholeheartedly believe people are keeping them from what they want and deserve.
olivefreakAll the stars aligned to give OP the perfect opportunity. It's too bad that the mom checked first before she grabbed a cat biscuit from inside the bag.
pnutbutterzombie, stormbird451The universe saw an opportunity to teach someone a lesson and refused to let it pass.
CoderJoe1Who stops a neighbor to ask what's in their shopping bags?
Hot_Independent_1683Do we need to keep used cat litter on our person all the time?
mad_fishmongerEvery fiber in my being wants OP's story to be true.
5nicationOP may have embellished some of the dialogue in this story, but entitled people do behave like their neighbors. They see something they want and think they deserve it.
That poor kid will grow up just like her mom if this is how they act around her. It was a boss move for OP to hand over a bag of his cats' biscuits to someone who demanded candy.