Entitled Dad Gets Warned Not To Drop Candies From A Plane For His Daughter's Birthday, Does It Anyway And Gets His Daughter's School Into Trouble For It

"The camp director also tried to get the dad fined for littering because of all the trash bags in the trees but I’m not sure if that ever went anywhere."

Entitled Dad Gets Warned Not To Drop Candies From A Plane For His Daughter's Birthday, Does It Anyway And Gets His Daughter's School Into Trouble For It

In the realm of parenthood, the desire to provide the best for your child is a universal sentiment. Every parent wants their offspring to be happy, successful, and cherished.

Yet, this noble aspiration can sometimes veer into territory that's a tad overboard, as a memorable Reddit post in the r/entitledparents community highlights.

OP once worked at an outdoor education program that catered to middle school students. The routine there included celebrating birthdays, where the staff would sing for the birthday child, and parents were encouraged to send cards and treats. It was a modest, joyful affair—until one day, an entitled dad had grander plans for his daughter's celebration.

In his eyes, simply singing for his child wasn't enough. He aspired to soar high, both literally and metaphorically. This ambitious father expressed his desire to fly his plane over the camp's field and rain down bags of candy upon the kids, creating a spectacle that would surely leave everyone in awe.

The camp's owner, with safety and liability concerns in mind, swiftly declined this audacious proposal. Understandably, he didn't want to risk accidents or potential lawsuits.

The school teachers were well aware of the refusal, but rumors began circulating that the dad might go rogue and proceed with his candy-dropping plan, bypassing camp regulations.

This is where the situation took a turn towards the bizarre. On the day of his daughter's birthday, the camp's boss warned the staff to steer clear during the candy bombardment.

As expected, the entitled dad couldn't resist defying the camp's rules. Read on to see what happened...

At an outdoor education program OP worked in, they had a wealthier middle school group where a girl celebrated her birthday. The staff sang for her, and her parents had prepared a card and treat, a common tradition at the program.

At an outdoor education program OP worked in, they had a wealthier middle school group where a girl celebrated her birthday. The staff sang for her, and her parents had prepared a card and treat, a common tradition at the program.Reddit

The girl's dad wanted to drop candy from a plane for her birthday at the outdoor education program, but the camp owner refused due to safety and legal concerns.

The girl's dad wanted to drop candy from a plane for her birthday at the outdoor education program, but the camp owner refused due to safety and legal concerns.Reddit

Rumors arose about the dad planning a candy drop from a plane for his daughter's birthday, despite assurances to the contrary. Concerned about liability, the camp boss told the staff to stay away during the event.

Rumors arose about the dad planning a candy drop from a plane for his daughter's birthday, despite assurances to the contrary. Concerned about liability, the camp boss told the staff to stay away during the event.Reddit

The dad did attempt a candy drop from his plane, resulting in most bags getting stuck in trees, leading to the school's ban, and potential littering fines, though no kids were harmed.

The dad did attempt a candy drop from his plane, resulting in most bags getting stuck in trees, leading to the school's ban, and potential littering fines, though no kids were harmed.Reddit

Here's a TLDR:

Scroll on to see what people had to say!

Here's a TLDR:Reddit

Throwing candy out of a plane is one way to achieve "sweet" altitude, but definitely not FAA-approved!

Throwing candy out of a plane is one way to achieve Reddit

Getting hit by peppermint sounds like an unexpected twist in the weather forecast!

Getting hit by peppermint sounds like an unexpected twist in the weather forecast!Reddit

A sweet serenade amidst the hailstorm would make even the chilliest of moments feel warm and delicious!

A sweet serenade amidst the hailstorm would make even the chilliest of moments feel warm and delicious!Reddit

Indeed, a sticky situation perfect for ant parties—Mother Nature's summer soirée!

Indeed, a sticky situation perfect for ant parties—Mother Nature's summer soirée!Reddit

Reporting it to the FAA would have likely sparked significant interest and investigation into the incident.

Reporting it to the FAA would have likely sparked significant interest and investigation into the incident.Reddit

Here's to hoping the FAA educates him on the finer points of candy distribution from aircraft.

Here's to hoping the FAA educates him on the finer points of candy distribution from aircraft.Reddit

Multiple violations may be at play here. If the dad piloted the aircraft solo during the candy drop, he might have been out of control of the craft, likely drawing the FAA's attention.

Multiple violations may be at play here. If the dad piloted the aircraft solo during the candy drop, he might have been out of control of the craft, likely drawing the FAA's attention.Reddit

Quite the sky-high feast for inspectors!

Quite the sky-high feast for inspectors!Reddit

Earning a pilot's license apparently didn't require a candy-land IQ test! Some skills are better left on the ground.

Earning a pilot's license apparently didn't require a candy-land IQ test! Some skills are better left on the ground.Reddit

Pilots' licenses may not require genius, just determination to finish training.

Pilots' licenses may not require genius, just determination to finish training.Reddit

Having a pilot for a brother-in-law must make family gatherings "fly" by, but even the best pilots can have their moments of questionable decisions at times!

Having a pilot for a brother-in-law must make family gatherings Reddit

When it rains cocoa, it's a sweet dilemma—some dodge, others indulge!

When it rains cocoa, it's a sweet dilemma—some dodge, others indulge!Reddit

Life's surprises can be quite the plot twist.

Life's surprises can be quite the plot twist.Reddit

Apparently, this dad took "Take Your Kid to School Day" to a whole new altitude! He must really love those candy drops.

Apparently, this dad took Reddit

Well, that's one way to provide an airborne birthday surprise without risking a plane-versus-cabin collision!

Well, that's one way to provide an airborne birthday surprise without risking a plane-versus-cabin collision!Reddit

Ah, no, he was just the aerial Candyman, delivering sweet treats from above without ever touching down on the school trip scene!

Ah, no, he was just the aerial Candyman, delivering sweet treats from above without ever touching down on the school trip scene!Reddit

Well, they say the sky's the limit, but turkeys might need a few flight lessons first...

Well, they say the sky's the limit, but turkeys might need a few flight lessons first...Reddit

That's a less-than-graceful descent for sure.

That's a less-than-graceful descent for sure.Reddit

Well, karma can sometimes deliver its own lessons in the most headline-worthy ways.

Well, karma can sometimes deliver its own lessons in the most headline-worthy ways.Reddit

Indeed, aviation seems to offer a unique sky-high tolerance for daringly foolish endeavors! After all, they say the skies are the limit, even for the not-so-bright stars.

Indeed, aviation seems to offer a unique sky-high tolerance for daringly foolish endeavors! After all, they say the skies are the limit, even for the not-so-bright stars.Reddit

Seems like life imitating radio, but thankfully, it wasn't a full-scale airborne candy catastrophe.

Seems like life imitating radio, but thankfully, it wasn't a full-scale airborne candy catastrophe.Reddit

A lot are still going gaga over Sherlock...

A lot are still going gaga over Sherlock...Reddit

Reality turned out to be more of a candy-filled nightmare.

Reality turned out to be more of a candy-filled nightmare.Reddit

Clearly, that was one airborne broadcast that didn't quite take flight.

Clearly, that was one airborne broadcast that didn't quite take flight.Reddit

Oh yes, chocolate rain!

Oh yes, chocolate rain!Reddit

It was oddly cute, but those candy-filled garbage bags took the surprise to a whole new level. Imagining one hitting a kid would have turned the sweetness sour!

It was oddly cute, but those candy-filled garbage bags took the surprise to a whole new level. Imagining one hitting a kid would have turned the sweetness sour!Reddit

While it's natural for parents to want to go the extra mile to make their children's lives special, this story serves as a reminder that sometimes, the line between a memorable celebration and an entitled escapade can be as thin as a candy wrapper.

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