Guy Refuses To Donate To His Friend's Cancer Treatment, Gets Called Out For Being A Terrible Friend
We all have an idea of what we would do and not do for a friend and some of us also have expectations of our friends.

We are here today with yet another Reddit post from the AITA thread where we are looking into a post submitted by someone who is looking for unbiased advice and opinions from people on the internet. We often go over these posts because they're usually pretty fun and entertaining to read since there are a lot of opinions to be had.
Plus, it's always interesting seeing people's points of view and just different perspectives when it comes to the comments on these posts as well. So with that being said, today we are going to look at a post that was submitted by a guy who is looking to see if he's wrong for not donating to his friend's cancer fund.
Now, everyone has different boundaries in friendships, and I think it's important to note what someone will or won't do in a friendship and not hold those actions to a high standard. So, in this case, the friend is very upset because this guy won't donate to his cancer treatment fund.
However, OP has his own things going on, which is why he's refusing to donate, but he wants to know if he's wrong for not donating or if his friend is wrong for even putting him in that position. Without further ado, let's dive in and check out this full post.
This guy starts off by explaining that a friend of his was diagnosed with cancer and he goes into details of what their friendship is like.

He said that she was very upset at him for saying no to donating to her cancer fund, and that she'd help him if the roles were reversed.

He is feeling quite pressured and as he does feel bad, he also knows he's not in the position to just give away money like that.

People immediately were on OP's side and kind of cringed at the fact that she asked him for a donation.

I would definitely try to switch the roles then but maybe she feels like they are closer friends than he feels.

This is true too though that the healthcare system is pretty much making people ask for money from their friends and family.

It's ridiculous when people put their loved ones in these types of situations and we definitely feel like she should be getting some other way to get money.

A donation is a donation and maybe she needs to be schooled on the definition again because asking directly probably won't get her very far.

There are other ways to be supportive and maybe he can help with that if he can't donate, but to expect him to donate is ridiculous.

This person let us Americans know again that our healthcare system is ridiculous and honestly, we have to agree.

We feel bad for OP because he is in a hard situation, but really he has the power to tell her no. He also should tell her some other ways that he's willing to help if he can't donate.
However, it is possible that maybe he feels they aren't that close for him to donate, but maybe she feels closer to him than he does to her.
