Careless People Whose Lives Got Ruined Because Of Their Provoking Social Media Posts
You should always keep in mind that your actions have consequences, especially online.
Social media can pretty much ruin your life. Sometimes you think that whatever you just posted is harmless and funny, but internet users might not perceive it the same way. A lot of people ended up losing their jobs or got expelled from school after carelessly posting something on social media.
We should all learn from these people's mistakes and try to be in our best behavior. You should always keep in mind that your actions have consequences, especially online.The people in the posts below paid heavily for their actions and their whole lives got ruined because of social media.
1. When Nicole Crowther was an extra on Glee, she tweeted spoilers of the show and basically ended her career in the entertainment industry
2. After filming herself flipping children off, this daycare worker received death threats and got fired from her job
3. This angry lady lost her job after writing this review
Kilroy's Downtown Indy
4. Cameron Jankowski, a Taco Bell employee was fired and then doxxed by Anonymous after posting a photo of himself peeing on nachos
5. Caitlin Davis, a New England Patriots cheerleader was fired after posting this

6. Zoo Worker was forced to quit her job and even changed her name on Facebook after receiving a lot of backlash online because of this post.

7. IAC Exec Justine Sacco was fired after this distasteful "joke"
8. After Tweeting about Bin Laden's death, Rashard Mendenhall lost all of his endorsements and eventually retired

9. Damian Goddard, A Toronto Based Sportscaster, Lost His Job After Homophobic Tweet
10. Apple employee Samuel Crisp was legally fired after they discovered his rants about Apple products on his Facebook acccount
Kai Hendry
11. This comment is the reason why the principal of North Miami Senior High School lost his job

12. This Tweet cost Gilbert Gottfried a voice acting role
Amber Baldet working for John Edwards
13. Things that will get you fired : Dressing up as a Boston Marathon victim for halloween. Alicia Ann Lynch had to learn that the hard way.
Alicia Ann Lynch
14. This homophobic Tweet got a pastor and high-ranking crossfit employee fired
15. Colorado Math Teacher Was Fired For Her Racy Social Media Posts
16. CNN Host Reza Aslan Was Fired After Calling Trump A "Piece Of Sh*t" On Twitter