45 People Who Called Out The Greediness Happening In The Corporate World Have Been Shared By An Instagram Page

Let's vent after dealing with all the worst humanity has to offer

45 People Who Called Out The Greediness Happening In The Corporate World Have Been Shared By An Instagram Page

People frequently complain about their jobs and discuss them because they need to let off steam after coping with the worst that humanity has to offer. The fact that actual employees are not involved in formulating corporate policies or partaking in its profits is one of the primary causes of all this hardship.

Many of these blogs show instances where a business will claim record profits only to terminate employees, reduce sick days, or set salary limits later on. In a competitive work market, employers rely on employees' potential difficulty finding employment to keep them from quitting even if conditions deteriorate.

More employee ownership in the business where they work is one suggestion made, largely by employees. Employee ownership is an uninspired concept that proposes giving each person a share in the business where they are employed.

Employees would directly profit from the success of the company, not just at the boss' whim. Even more, voting on some issues would prevent senior management from enacting unjust laws.

This Instagram account discusses the struggles and obstacles people encounter in the contemporary job market. Workers frequently get the short end of the stick and must bear the consequences of corporate greed and economic incompetence, from exploitative policies to authoritarian supervisors.

More info: Instagram

1. Three unpaid trial days

1. Three unpaid trial daysfuckyouiquit

2. Being accidentally locked out

2. Being accidentally locked outfuckyouiquit

3. They will save us all

3. They will save us allfuckyouiquit

4. This is a legal red flag

4. This is a legal red flagfuckyouiquit

5. The manger should be the voice of the people

5. The manger should be the voice of the peoplefuckyouiquit

6. Unskilled workers

6. Unskilled workersfuckyouiquit

7. Raising quality of life

7. Raising quality of lifefuckyouiquit

8. Human life isn't worthless

8. Human life isn't worthlessfuckyouiquit

9. Minimum wage employees can win

9. Minimum wage employees can winfuckyouiquit

10. Talk to you on Monday

10. Talk to you on Mondayfuckyouiquit

11. Wanting a better life for people

11. Wanting a better life for peoplefuckyouiquit

12. Not coming back

12. Not coming backfuckyouiquit

13. A sporting franchise with a side hustle

13. A sporting franchise with a side hustlefuckyouiquit

14. Running an exploitation factory

14. Running an exploitation factoryfuckyouiquit

15. Working twice as hard for him

15. Working twice as hard for himfuckyouiquit

16. Someone got a visit

16. Someone got a visitfuckyouiquit

17. When it's not a booming economy

17. When it's not a booming economyfuckyouiquit

18. A reverse shark tank

18. A reverse shark tankfuckyouiquit

19. Well played Apple

19. Well played Applefuckyouiquit

20. Boss rejects specific doctor's note

20. Boss rejects specific doctor's notefuckyouiquit

21. Leaving without a word

21. Leaving without a wordfuckyouiquit

22. You can imagine

22. You can imaginefuckyouiquit

23. Pizza motivating employees

23. Pizza motivating employeesfuckyouiquit

24. Save money means skipping breakfast

24. Save money means skipping breakfastfuckyouiquit

25. It will be taught in business classes

25. It will be taught in business classesfuckyouiquit

26. Healthcare is so expensive in the united states

26. Healthcare is so expensive in the united statesfuckyouiquit

27. Moving things forward is progress

27. Moving things forward is progressfuckyouiquit

28. When you are sick, you stay home

28. When you are sick, you stay homefuckyouiquit

29. No immigrant has taken your job

29. No immigrant has taken your jobfuckyouiquit

30. The owner's new toy

30. The owner's new toyfuckyouiquit

31. The cost to raise a child

31. The cost to raise a childfuckyouiquit

32. The cost of the meetings

32. The cost of the meetingsfuckyouiquit

33. Santa Claus

33. Santa Clausfuckyouiquit

34. People are happier when we work less

34. People are happier when we work lessfuckyouiquit

35. This is why they strike

35. This is why they strikefuckyouiquit

36. Shopping small and local

36. Shopping small and localfuckyouiquit

37. Cost of doing business in America

37. Cost of doing business in Americafuckyouiquit

38. Not gonna come in

38. Not gonna come infuckyouiquit

39. Reap what you sow

39. Reap what you sowfuckyouiquit

40. Complaining no one wants to work

40. Complaining no one wants to workjdcocchiarella

41. How is that the worker's problem to fix?

41. How is that the worker's problem to fix?fuckyouiquit

42. Teacher shortage

42. Teacher shortagefuckyouiquit

43. They will be fine

43. They will be finefuckyouiquit

44. Median earnings

44. Median earningsfuckyouiquit

45. A wage price spiral

45. A wage price spiralfuckyouiquit

A pit forms in almost everyone's stomach when they hear the name of that one manager or simply just being startled with your name being called out by a mean boss. Do share your own horror stories from the job market in the comments section and dong forget to share this post as well.
