Teenager Confronts Mother's Lies And Manipulation Regarding Car Accident Costs, Calls Her A 'Pathological Liar
"The accident could be avoidable on my part if I drove defensively."

When young drivers first hit the road, they often share insurance with a parent or guardian to help mitigate costs. Accidents, however, are inevitable, even for the most cautious drivers.
When an accident does occur, the person at fault usually bears the responsibility for the damages. But what happens when the young driver isn't at fault, yet their parents insist on exacting some form of punishment?
This situation can lead to a complex mix of blame, guilt, and misunderstanding. In a recent case, an individual, henceforth referred to as OP, found themselves in such a predicament. OP, a 19-year-old secondary driver under their mother's car insurance, had an accident while driving their mother's car.
Despite the other driver being ticketed, OP had to navigate the initial incident's aftermath, dealing with the tow truck operator and paperwork. Following the incident, OP's mother began a series of dishonest claims.
She first stated that the insurance company was compensating her only $15k for a car worth at least $40k, insisting OP would need to pay back the supposed $25k loss. However, after checking her emails without consent, OP discovered this to be untrue. The insurance had, in fact, offered her $41k for the vehicle.
Later, the mother claimed that OP was deemed 100% at fault for the accident and that her insurance premium would increase by $150, demanding OP pay this difference for the next six years. OP reached out to the insurance company again, only to learn that they had not been declared at fault for the accident.
Driven to frustration by this pattern of deceit, OP confronted their mother, labeling her a pathological liar, an act that garnered disapproval from their father. Despite recognizing their potentially inappropriate actions, OP remained frustrated with the constant dishonesty.
OP asks:

They had an accident, and mom feels they were not driving carefully enough

She resorted to all sorts of mind games to make OP feel guilty

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the a-hole:

OP needs a good escape plan

People do unbelievable things when money is involved

Apparently, a $50 fee gives you the right to complain

OP needs to stand their ground and work on some sort of an exit plan

Mom is playing games to mess with OP

This Redditor is harsh on mom

This Redditor shared their experiences:

What transpired here wasn't just about a car accident. This situation reflected a more profound issue of trust and honesty in family relationships.
It's no secret that accidents can happen and that young drivers might not always make the best decisions on the road, but it is essential to treat these instances as learning opportunities. What OP's mother did - lying and manipulating the circumstances to financially and emotionally burden OP - is not an acceptable approach.
It erodes the foundation of trust in their relationship and adds unnecessary guilt and stress to a young driver already dealing with the aftermath of an accident.
