Redditor Calls Animal Control On Neighbors For Serious Maltreatment Of Their Dog, Now Wonders If She Overreacted

"We heard what sounded like the boyfriend kicking the dog across the floor"

Redditor Calls Animal Control On Neighbors For Serious Maltreatment Of Their Dog, Now Wonders If She Overreacted

There can be many reasons why people take pets when they may not have the time or resources to care for them properly. Some people may need help understanding the responsibilities and commitments involved in pet ownership and may not realize the time and effort required to care for a pet properly.

Others may be in a difficult financial situation or may not have the resources to provide for their pet's needs. In some cases, people may take pets on a whim or for emotional reasons without fully thinking through the long-term consequences of their decision.

They may be drawn to the idea of having a pet and may not fully consider the realities of pet ownership. It is important for people to carefully consider their ability to provide for a pet before taking one on.

Owning a pet is a serious responsibility that requires time, effort, and resources, and it is not something to be taken lightly. Therefore, if you are considering getting a pet, it is important to ensure that you have the means and the commitment to properly care for it before bringing it into your home.

One Redditor shared her story, asking, "AITA for calling animal control on my upstairs neighbors?" OP and her roommate live on the bottom floor of a house.

They got new neighbors upstairs, and their dog barks all day long. OP says that the neighbors hit the fog and never walk it. After trying to talk with them (with no results), OP decided to call animal control.

They came immediately but couldn't find them home. They left a note, and OP now wonders if she overreacted.

Read the full story below:

OP asks:

OP asks:Reddit

OP and her roommate live on the bottom floor of a house. They got new neighbors upstairs, and their dog barks all day long.

OP and her roommate live on the bottom floor of a house. They got new neighbors upstairs, and their dog barks all day long.Reddit

OP says that the neighbors hit the fog and never walk it.

OP says that the neighbors hit the fog and never walk it.Reddit

They came immediately but couldn't find them home. They left a note, and OP now wonders if she overreacted.

They came immediately but couldn't find them home. They left a note, and OP now wonders if she overreacted.Reddit

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole:

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole:Reddit

The animal is being abused and neglected

The animal is being abused and neglectedReddit

This Redditor said:

This Redditor said:Reddit

This is sad, but true:

This is sad, but true:Reddit

The only civil thing to do: report abuse to the authorities.

The only civil thing to do: report abuse to the authorities.Reddit

They sound like a great bunch

They sound like a great bunchReddit

The next step is animal control

The next step is animal controlReddit

"If you honestly suspect abuse..."


If you suspect that your neighbor is mistreating their animal, you should contact your local animal control agency, humane society, or police department. These agencies are responsible for investigating reports of animal abuse and neglect and can take steps to ensure that the animal is protected and receives the care it needs.

In some cases, you may also be able to report animal abuse anonymously, which can be helpful if you are concerned about potential retaliation from your neighbor. It is important to remember that reporting animal abuse is not about getting your neighbor in trouble but rather about ensuring the well-being of the animal and preventing further harm.

By speaking up and reporting abuse, you can help to protect animals and make your community a safer and more compassionate place for all.
