Cafe Manager Gets Yelled At By A Karen Who Was Convinced That He Was Messing Up The Internet For Her, But He Gets Revenge
People seem to be even more rude to people who are customer service workers and this is a prime example of a Karen situation.
- Published in Interesting
We are back here again today with another Reddit post from the AITA thread. We've talked about these posts before and stated how most of these posts are submitted to get an unbiased opinion and advice from people online on a particular situation they were involved in.
In a lot of situations, people like to see what other perspectives people are taking and see things from a different point of view. So with this all being said, we are looking into a post today that was posted by a Reddit user who managed this cafe where a Karen blamed him for the WiFi being out.
People often go to coffee shops and other places to get a drink and use their WiFi; this isn't an uncommon thing people do. However, a lot of places require you to purchase something if you'll be using their WiFi and if not, most of us know that that is also just common courtesy to make a purchase if you'll be sitting in their lobby.
This situation is what happened with this Reddit user who came to the thread to tell this story and see if he was wrong for how he reacted in this scenario. So let's dive in and check out the full post and some comments that were left on it as well.
Basically he started off the post by explaining that he works in a cafe in a major city and he goes into details about their WiFi setup. He also says that she wasn't purchasing anything and she'd been just freely using their WIFI, which obviously made things worse.
u/teezejHe then goes into details of what happened with this customer whenever the WiFi went out after she'd been in their lobby for about 3 hours without purchasing anything. You can probably already guess where this is going and why this scenario happened.
u/teezejHe said that usually he wouldn't react like this, but Karen obviously had this coming to her when she decided to come over and watch him try to fix the internet.
u/teezejHe got revenge on her and explains how he got her to stop using their WiFi for pretty much forever. Obviously she was upset about it but she definitely deserved this.
u/teezejPeople started commenting stories that were similar to what happened with OP and explained that this internet thing is common in other places too.
itsgmsHere's the rest of this person's comment as they explained more of what happened in this situation at their Starbucks. It seems like things like this happen everywhere and many people have dealt with this.
itsgmsIt's always great when we get to give a little bit of revenge back to those that give us problems on a daily basis. This customer deserved what happened and the manager definitely was doing all he could for her.
Unfortunately, things like this happen a lot and customers often show out about the issue. Share this story with your customer service working friends.