Bulldog Sees A New Ice Pool And Unexpectedly Jumps In With The Most Adorable Look On Her Face
What could be better on a beautiful, sunny day?
- Published in Animals
We all have things and activities we adore - the ones that get us super excited. For some of us, it is a good piece of jewelry, nice shoes, or clothes.
Others like to climb mountains and swim through rapid rivers and oceans. Dogs also have their favorite things and activities.
And some of them might surprise even people who know them best. Just like Chandler, an adorable bulldog.
Now, she is an energetic dog by any standard. But when she gets extra excited, then you know it's gotta be about something very special.
A huge, ice-filled pool made of blue plastic? That'll work, I guess.
Her owner Michelle Guo expected that her dog Walter, who enjoys both water and biting on ice, would be the most thrilled when she set up an ice pool for her dogs in the backyard. Guo was shocked to see Chandler go in first when her dogs spotted the pool.
Walter stood carefully on the sidelines as she jumped in with a running start. Who would have guessed?
Don't worry, the owner made sure the temperature was suitable. A sharp temperature change would have been too upsetting for the dogs, so Guo took care to install the pool on a sunny but not overly warm day.
Take a look at their adventure in ice and their adorable bond:
Michelle Guo prepared an ice pool for her two dogs
Michelle GuoIt appeared to be the ideal temperature for Chandler, who leaped into and out of the ice with such zeal and tenacity that it appeared as though she were creating a brand-new Olympic sport.
But she didn't expect Chandler to be the first one in:
This playful, upbeat attitude is a crucial component of Chandler's character. For Walter, her brother, Chandler has been a godsend.
Walter was assaulted as a puppy before his mom rescued him, and as a result, he had anxiety attacks and didn't trust humans and dogs. Chandler was introduced to Walter as a comfort animal, and she has been incredibly successful in helping him come out of his shell.
Chandler and Walter share a special bond
Michelle GuoShe helped him recuperate
Post-traumatic stress disorder, more commonly referred to as PTSD, is an epidemic impacting millions of Americans every year. However, it is not restricted only to humans – animals can suffer from it too.
And just like therapy dogs can help people, they can also help other dogs. And it figures.
Namely, It is hard to learn to trust again, and one of the best guides on that journey is the most pure-hearted animal out there. Yup, a dog.
Who else would you trust to do it? Certainly not humans...
They are now best friends
Michelle GuoChandler not only consoles her brother but also showers Guo with unending affection. She is obviously a dog that demands nothing in return and is eager to give unending attention.
But what if she were to receive a sizable pool filled with ice chunks as payment? She won't decline it, that much is certain.
And the reward is well deserved. Chandler doesn't only make the lives of the people and animals around her better - she is literally saving them.