Redditor Refuses Doesn't Allow Her Brother To Bring His Poorly Behaved Dog To Thanksgiving, Gets Called Shameless And Dog Racist

"I don't want to prioritize my brother's dog and his feelings over everyone else's safety and comfort"

Redditor Refuses Doesn't Allow Her Brother To Bring His Poorly Behaved Dog To Thanksgiving, Gets Called Shameless And Dog Racist

Thanksgiving is a time when many people gather with friends and family to give thanks for the people and things in their lives. Christmas is also a period when people come together to celebrate.

People commemorate such celebrations with a large supper. Football, volunteering, playing games, and watching the Thanksgiving Day parade or Christmas movies are more ways to enjoy the holiday.

Meet Redditor u/ThrowawayThanksGAITA, who has hosted Thanksgiving and Christmas at her place for a few years now. It's usually a big gathering with the OP's and her husband's family.

There are a lot of kids, and everyone brings their dogs, too. You know that dogs are wonderful pets and wonderful companions, but they need the right care and management.

Even when not biting, dogs, especially larger dogs, can still cause harm. A dog knocking someone over puts them at an increased risk of injury, especially to kids and the elderly.

A medium-sized dog can hurt people as well. The OP's older brother has a puppy who knocks kids over, won't stay out of everyone's face, and destroyed the door frame, amongst other things.

The OP didn't want a repetition of that, so she told her brother not to bring the dog to Thanksgiving. Her brother got upset, which led to more events unfolding.

Keep scrolling to read the entire story in full. 

The Headline...

The Headline...u/ThrowawayThanksGAITA

Thanksgiving and Christmas has been at the OP's house

Thanksgiving and Christmas has been at the OP's houseu/ThrowawayThanksGAITA

He stayed in a room by himself upstairs

He stayed in a room by himself upstairsu/ThrowawayThanksGAITA

He offered to have him wear a muzzle

He offered to have him wear a muzzleu/ThrowawayThanksGAITA

I'm still allowing the other dogs to come

I'm still allowing the other dogs to comeu/ThrowawayThanksGAITA

The OP's parents say she's being unreasonable

The OP's parents say she's being unreasonableu/ThrowawayThanksGAITA

The OP doesn't want to prioritize her brother's dog

The OP doesn't want to prioritize her brother's dogu/ThrowawayThanksGAITA

A little edit to add

A little edit to addu/ThrowawayThanksGAITA

Here are a bunch of comments by Redditors in response to the Reddit thread.


You're in your rights to disallow any pet

You're in your rights to disallow any petReddit

Your brother should train his dog

Your brother should train his dogReddit

This Redditor is guessing the dog

This Redditor is guessing the dogReddit

Your brother's dog is a risk to your children's safety

Your brother's dog is a risk to your children's safetyReddit

Tell your parents to enjoy their thanksgiving

Tell your parents to enjoy their thanksgivingReddit

This dog has a proven track record

This dog has a proven track recordReddit

He's facing the consequences of the said dog

He's facing the consequences of the said dogReddit

Tell your brother to go to a behaviourist

Tell your brother to go to a behaviouristReddit

The OP is okay in this Redditor's book

The OP is okay in this Redditor's bookReddit

You have given his dog multiple chances

You have given his dog multiple chancesReddit

Your cat deserves to be safe in its home

Your cat deserves to be safe in its homeReddit

It is your house and it is your rules

It is your house and it is your rulesReddit

This Redditor wouldn't want a dog with behavior issues too

This Redditor wouldn't want a dog with behavior issues tooReddit

His dog is not invited for your guests' safety

His dog is not invited for your guests' safetyReddit

You are right to not give him a chance

You are right to not give him a chanceReddit

Wish them a happy Thanksgiving

Wish them a happy ThanksgivingReddit

Info needed, an answer supplied

Info needed, an answer suppliedReddit

Imagine what the dog would do to their house

Imagine what the dog would do to their houseReddit

Although dog bites are among the most frequent dog injuries, dogs can also inflict harm without biting. Large dogs may become overexcited and knock you to the ground, breaking or lacerating your bones.

Additionally, a dog could move or step in front of your bike and cause you to slip and fall. These were what the OP tried avoiding and Redditors supported her decision.
