Man Takes Some Of His Brother's Educational Savings To Pay For The Car He Damaged, Brother Says He Should Have Lied To The Insurance Company
"I told him he's lucky I didn't just go to the cops"
- Published in Interesting
Nobody enjoys having to pay for auto insurance. Why bother if you've been driving for years and never required it?
Like many other things in life, it's preferable to have something than to need it and not have it. This is a fact that has long been known regarding auto insurance.
The majority of individuals don't appear to realize the significance of auto insurance, so it is imperative to stress its necessity constantly. While many people believe insurance to be nothing more than an added expense, they are unaware of its true value.
Anyone who has ever purchased insurance, no matter how reluctantly, can attest to the fact that anything may go wrong at any time and that a solid insurance plan is always available to provide you with a layer of safety. The OP in today's story would have made use of his insurance, but it would have landed his brother in trouble.
The thing is, the OP's 16-year-old brother sideswiped his car while "drifting" his shitbox car, and the cost was around $15,000. If he goes through insurance, he will have to explain what happened, and they will go after him for the money.
Or they might also expect the OP to file a police report, which will get him in trouble. OP's parents decided to pay for the damage, and the money came out of his college fund.
Here's the headline
Reddit/Longjumping_Funny600If the OP goes through insurance, he will have to explain what happened
Reddit/Longjumping_Funny600The OP's brother will just have to get a job or live at home and commute to a closer college
Reddit/Longjumping_Funny600The OP feels he's lucky he didn't go to the cops
Reddit/Longjumping_Funny600We've gathered some of the most upvoted comments from other redditors for you to enjoy below
Reddit/Longjumping_Funny600There are repercussions for one's actions and mistakes
Reddit/Longjumping_Funny600Taking responsibility for yourself
Reddit/Longjumping_Funny600He did the stupid deed and now has to pay for it
Reddit/Longjumping_Funny600Mistakes do have consequences
Reddit/Longjumping_Funny600He's lucky the OP's parents were willing to pay for it
Reddit/Longjumping_Funny600He still has time to build back some of the money
Reddit/Longjumping_Funny600People go to jail for that
Reddit/Longjumping_Funny600File the claim against his insurance and get the money
Reddit/Longjumping_Funny600Does the OP has collision coverage on his car?
Reddit/Longjumping_Funny600What an entitled AH the OP's parents have raised
Reddit/Longjumping_Funny600This is a lesson the OP's brother needs to learn
Reddit/Longjumping_Funny600Next time, the OP's brother will be much more cautious
Reddit/Longjumping_Funny600It sounds like he probably wasn't doing anything illegal
Reddit/Longjumping_Funny600Checking through the policy to see if you're required to report
Reddit/Longjumping_Funny600It makes no sense not to go through insurance
Reddit/Longjumping_Funny600He's old enough to realize this
Reddit/Longjumping_Funny600Some Redditors believed that it wasn’t a mistake as the OP's brother drifted into his car intentionally. This is a foreseeable consequence of reckless driving and he chose to risk damaging his and other people’s property.
Choosing dangerous behavior and making a mistake are not the same thing, so the OP was declared not the AH.