Lady Who Has "Broccoli Related Trauma" Shares Her Funny Story About When She Vomited On Her Therapist Because Of It
"She had broccoli plushies, and she incorporated it into every meal we ate."
- Published in Funny
Don’t be so obsessed with a single ingredient so much so that you incorporate it into every dish, whether it belongs there or not. It’s said that too much of everything isn’t good, and that goes for a particular meal or ingredient as well.
Something similar is what a Redditor named u/Root_Head found herself in, so she had to share her funny story with the TIFU subreddit community. The story is funny because of the way she strategized her words and Redditors didn’t fail to notice and call it out.
The OP first gave a background story of how her grandmother loved broccoli and made sure to infuse it into every meal and into their lives practically. The OP thought this was normal until her classmates started questioning her "t-shirts which all featured cartoons of broccoli."
So she grew to hate broccoli and boycotted eating it even though her grandmother persuaded her to clear her plate of broccoli. The OP is all grown up now and seeing a therapist for "unrelated reasons," to which she mentioned her broccoli issue too.
As they talked about it, the OP discovered that she was still sensitive to the issue. Everything went south when the therapist asked her to "a small portion of broccoli as a way to challenge and overcome these negative emotions."
Scroll down to find out what happened during the broccoli challenge.
The headline...
u/Root_HeadSome background info
u/Root_HeadI assumed this was normal
u/Root_HeadStopped eating it at dinner
u/Root_HeadFast forward to the present
u/Root_HeadI arrived for the session
u/Root_HeadI might need a new therapist
u/Root_HeadThe Reddit post got more than 12.1K upvotes and over 500 comments. Here are what some of them had to say:
1. It is indeed a rollercoaster
u/chicken-tiddies2. That part was just too funny
u/majorkim13. We need more of this abstract art
u/IH8BART4. Lol... Well, at least we all had a good laugh about it
u/Fusion0755. The mighty dinosaur who ain't traumatized of no vegetables
u/Quickthoughtslowjots6. Really intense
u/elzaidir7. Getting people close to their pain is accompanied by intense emotions
u/JohnArce8. They just had to improvise
u/BonesChimes9. It all starts from the little things and boom, it's broccoli themed things everywhere
u/RealMercuryRain10. I'm just as curious as the second commenter
u/S_A_R_K11. And I thank you for them too
u/MinisterOfMagic12. Let's put the blame where it really is
u/Layne20513. Ate broccoli once and it's a terrible, dreadful thing
u/Outside-Leg322014. Keep doing your work and goodluck
u/T-Rex_timeout15. The 0 years old did get me too
u/FkUKVN16. Your therapist pushed you too far
u/Unreflected17. Wearing a t-shirt that says BROC ON!
u/Ejsberg18. Don't get a new therapist since this one has your number
u/LikelyLioar19. Going back will help you both
u/Agustusglooponloop20. Me as well... Lol
u/jstaples404Everyone loves a good meal, and while some derive joy in trying new things, others stick to the same old menu. There is nothing wrong with sticking to your menu, but at least let it not be a particular type of meal every day.
What are your own thoughts about this broccoli adventure? Drop your comments below.