28 Subtle Things That Every British Person Can Definitely Relate To

Got time for some tea? You do if you're British.

28 Subtle Things That Every British Person Can Definitely Relate To

Everyone has certain notions about certain people in a particular race and over the years, have set a lot of stereotypes about them, such as Americans being in love with baseball, Australians eating Vegemite with literally everything, Filipinos pointing with their mouths instead of fingers, and Canadians being hockey-lovers. The same goes for the Brits—their traits and culture are quite known all over the world because of their depiction in films, books, and other sources of media that people consume.

People have mixed impressions and thoughts about British people and the overall vibe they exude, mainly because of the many different stereotypes tagged on their identity. Some people see them as extremely polite and gentle people, why some can vouch that they are actually rude, and many people see them as cold and emotionless.

But like any other culture and country, it's never fair to judge them because of the things we see on screen and what people say about them on the Internet. Sure, it's safe to have these common notions embedded into our minds just in case we find ourselves needing to interact with the Brits, but at the end of the day, what we do or say all comes down to having enough respect.

But all seriousness aside, there are really some things out there that almost every single British person has done, and it's funny how they caught themselves actually living the stereotypes that the world paints them out to have. Here are some of the [subtle] things that every British person can definitely relate to:

1. British people have a habit of accidentally asking someone how they are—twice.

1. British people have a habit of accidentally asking someone how they are—twice.Bravo/smudge_lord / Via Buzzfeed/instagram.com

2. British people love getting in queues—even if they don't have any idea what that queue is for.

2. British people love getting in queues—even if they don't have any idea what that queue is for.Buena Vista Pictures

3. And then asking their fellow Brits what the hell they are queueing for.

3. And then asking their fellow Brits what the hell they are queueing for.FOX

4. They also have a habit of putting disclaimers before saying their opinions, just in case they offend someone.

4. They also have a habit of putting disclaimers before saying their opinions, just in case they offend someone.BBC / Via Buzzfeed

5. British people often say non-English words so badly, for example: qwez-a-dilla.

5. British people often say non-English words so badly, for example: qwez-a-dilla.Google / Via Buzzfeed

6. Don't take this the wrong way but the Brits love a good moan.

6. Don't take this the wrong way but the Brits love a good moan.Warner Bros.

7. A Brit will always cheer when something drops or someone falls

7. A Brit will always cheer when something drops or someone fallsTwitter: @TRobbb

8. They tend to use "sorry" with aggression.

8. They tend to use Netflix

9. But honestly, they just seem to say sorry all the time—in all circumstances.

9. But honestly, they just seem to say sorry all the time—in all circumstances.Universal Pictures/Cinecom Pictures

10. You'll never know if they are being sarcastic or not because they can deliver their statements in the most deadpan manner.

10. You'll never know if they are being sarcastic or not because they can deliver their statements in the most deadpan manner.ITV

11. British people have this thing where they put kisses in every text they send. x

11. British people have this thing where they put kisses in every text they send. xifaketextmessage.com

12. They don't know how to end a phone call so they end up saying "bye" a lot of times.

12. They don't know how to end a phone call so they end up saying BBC

13. They have such STRONG opinions about supermarkets.

13. They have such STRONG opinions about supermarkets.roobeekeane

14. They often have these passive-aggressive relationships with their neighbors, even if it's for no reason.

14. They often have these passive-aggressive relationships with their neighbors, even if it's for no reason.BBC

15. They just leave their umbrellas by the door of a cafe or store when it rains.

15. They just leave their umbrellas by the door of a cafe or store when it rains.Sam Cleal

16. They never speak with strangers while on a lift.

16. They never speak with strangers while on a lift.Chuck Savage

17. They ALWAYS offer a cup of tea to their guests.

17. They ALWAYS offer a cup of tea to their guests.BBC

18. They will often bring their own tea wherever they go.

18. They will often bring their own tea wherever they go.Sam Cleal

19. They just seem to enjoy avoiding dentist visits.

19. They just seem to enjoy avoiding dentist visits.Clanopath

20. They will never say no to a drink.

20. They will never say no to a drink.ohheyohhihello

21. Especially when it's in a pub—the sacred place of Brits.

21. Especially when it's in a pub—the sacred place of Brits.United International Pictures

22. They also feel obliged to get everyone another round of drinks, even if they technically don't know the people around them.

22. They also feel obliged to get everyone another round of drinks, even if they technically don't know the people around them.Channel 4 / Via Netflix

23. They love singing songs while drinking to get their friends absolutely hammered.

23. They love singing songs while drinking to get their friends absolutely hammered.BBC / Via Giphy

24. British men will absolutely get out with no top on once there's a sign of sunshine.

24. British men will absolutely get out with no top on once there's a sign of sunshine.ITV2

25. They will make the most out of a good weather by having a barbecue sesh. Can't blame them, they just get a few days of sunshine all year!

25. They will make the most out of a good weather by having a barbecue sesh. Can't blame them, they just get a few days of sunshine all year!BBC

26. They enjoy the beige-est foods there is.

26. They enjoy the beige-est foods there is.Lauripatterson

27. If there is nothing to talk about, there's a 100% chance that they'll talk about the weather.

27. If there is nothing to talk about, there's a 100% chance that they'll talk about the weather.Channel 4

28. Lastly, they will NEVER complain about a bad service.

28. Lastly, they will NEVER complain about a bad service.BBC

Yep, we love the Brits—everything they do just seems so endearing, and yes, even with their sarcastic comments and deadpan deliveries, they seem like such great people to hang out with. C'mon, who doesn't want to be friends with people who are always up for a drink?

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