Lady Consults Redditors On How Long She Should Wait After Her GF's Birthday Before Breaking Up With Her
"I really don’t want to prolong this, but I also don’t want to give her whiplash"

What if your boyfriend enjoys going fishing, whereas you like to sleep in, read a book, or watch TV? Doesn't that sound like an interesting mismatch?
However, just because your interests don't match doesn't imply your relationship is doomed. Instead, when you think about it, this is a chance for growth and inquiry.
Couples with opposing interests can have a successful and long-lasting relationship. The goal is to grasp how to connect while also making those moments important.
Unless your differences are so diametrically opposed that you can't coexist, the best thing you can do is learn to value them. The goal is to have a common vision of your future together, no matter how different you are.
You can make it work as long as you're on the same page regarding your expectations, requirements, and dedication! You'll create a strong, healthy relationship regardless of differences if you make an effort to compromise, remain open-minded, and show interest in each other's hobbies.
This wasn't the case in today's AITA story, as the OP wanted to call it quits. A girl who the OP considered an acquaintance at best confessed that she likes her.
So the OP became interested in getting to know her, so they started dating. However, OP started to realize that they weren’t compatible and their interests didn’t align.
So she decided that she didn’t want to go beyond dating, but now, she's looking for an appropriate time to reveal it.
So she went to the r/relationship_advice subreddit to ask...

The OP started to realize that they aren’t compatible and their interests don’t align

And the comments roll in...

Nobody wants a birthday that is all lies

Letting her know that she can party away her grief

She can actually spend the day with someone who cares about her

This Redditor prefers the OP break up with her beforehand

The OP should wait a week after the girl's birthday

If it was a long lasting relationship, it would be different

This Redditor dumped someone three days before their birthday

Break up now or the OP will only be taking advantage

The OP should try to do it kindly beforehand

Would the OP want to find out that her birthday was a lie?

The OP should be honest and firm and kind

Giving her the opportunity to have a really great birthday

This Redditor just knew that it had to be done

One thing that's worse than worse

It's a really tough one for this Redditor

This Redditor believes that the OP should do it now

Telling her that she doesn't see this going anywhere

It's never good to string someone along

Being open and honest is always the best

Doing it on her birthday as a present

Common interests are one of the finest methods for having a happy, long-lasting relationship. Yes, common interests are vital, but that doesn't imply differences are bad!
Nobody is going to be precisely alike, and that's alright. Rather than disregarding one another's differences, embrace them!
The OP has made her choice, just looking for the right opportunity to convey her thoughts. Hopefully, she makes the right choice, and everything goes fine.
