50 Funny Boyfriends And Husbands Who Keep Their Relationship Lively With A Help Of Good Humor
These entertaining photos are the best proof that humor makes the relationship work.

Every relationship has its ups and downs and it needs something to make the good times even better, and to prevent someone from going to jail when things are not so good. Humor is what first comes to your mind? Maybe not the first thing, but it is extremely important.
Some studies of long marriages showed that they have lasted for so long because the spouses laughed together and had a compatible sense of humor.
We have collected some of the finest examples of jokes and pranks that men concocted for their better halves.
*No animal, boyfriend or husband were harmed during the making of these posts, or after.
#1 Sending Sexy Pics To The Wife Like:

#2 Husband Said He Was Going To Make A Bed Frame. I Thought It Was For Our New Mattress. It Was For The Cat

#3 Girlfriend Left Me And The Dog Home Alone For The Weekend. First Thing I Sent Her

It is a well-known fact that laughter is a great remedy and can help us cope with difficult and stressful things in life and in a relationship.
We spoke to relationship expert Dan Bacon, about how important humor and laughter are important in both long-term and in new relationships.
"The reality is that a couple can begin a relationship without humor being used, but the relationship will eventually feel a little boring and one-dimensional if the interactions are always rational, serious and straightforward. So, although humor can be avoided, it's much better to use it initially and then continue using it when in a relationship or marriage," Bacon explained.
"For example: When a man and woman first meet, being able to really laugh together and not be so serious all the time when talking or hanging out, signals that relationship could be quite fun and enjoyable in the long run. It opens up the possibility that a relationship between them could be one where they can both relax, be themselves and just enjoy life together, rather than being so serious and uptight."
"That is appealing to most men and women," Bacon clarified.
#4 My Aunt Had Been Complaining They Hadn't Been "Festive" Enough. I Present To You My Uncle's Masterpiece

#5 Decided To Photobomb My Wife During Our Wedding Photoshoot Last Month

#6 When You Have Candles, But Not The "Right" Ones For Your Wife's 39th Birthday

#7 My Wife Forgot To Leave Me The Car Seat So I Could Take Our Son To The Babysitter's House. This Is The Picture I Sent When She Asked How I Was Going To Get Him There. I Then Turned Off My Phone For The Next 4 Hours

Bacon resumed: "Then, when years into a relationship together, humor helps to keep the spark alive because it helps you feel happy, relax and enjoy life when around each other. The feeling you get when you really laugh together, sometimes even hysterically, releases all sorts of positive, natural chemicals in your brain, which then makes the other person seem more attractive and lovable."
"Of course, humor isn’t the only ingredient to keeping the spark alive in a relationship, but it’s definitely part of what does it."
#8 Send Bail Money

And what boyfriends and husbands should do if they either don't have enough energy to maintain the fun spirit in relationships or believe that the relationships have gone boring? "The irony is that avoiding humor and enjoyable interactions in a relationship actually drains more energy from you and it ends up making you feel miserable," Bacon said.
"When a man tries to avoid humor and fun interactions with his girlfriend or wife, he ends up spending a lot of time feeling frustrated, lonely, unloved, annoyed and unsatisfied with his relationship. Those types of negative emotions are draining, whereas the positive emotions that come with getting into the habit of being a little bit playful at times in your relationship are refreshing."
#9 My Boyfriend Decided To Take My Dog To The Beach Today For Some “Quality” Time Together

#10 He Finally Fell Asleep When My Wife Asked For A Picture And I Wanted To Let Her Know What Hes Been Like Until Then

#11 I Needed My Wife And Daughters To Smile During A Photo Shoot, So I Told A Dad Joke

#12 My Girlfriend And I Celebrated Our 1-Year Anniversary. We Met On Tinder, So Naturally I Had Our First Conversation Printed On A Blanket

Bacon explains that boyfriends and husbands see that being playful in their relationships makes them feel more contented, makes their better halves feel happier, and leads to more intimacy. "He can either continue along that path and make being a bit playful at times become natural for him or choose to stop and go back to the spark dying out and both of them heading towards a potential break up."
"To make keep things heading in the right direction, it essentially comes down to developing a new habit, which can be a challenge for some people initially. Yet, once a new habit becomes natural and automatic for you, it doesn’t require loads of energy and focus to do it. Instead, you just do it naturally and enjoy the benefits that come with it."
#13 My Boyfriend And My Cat Have A Special Bond. I Feel Like The Third Wheel

Psychology Today explains that humor should never be used as a weapon in a relationship. A showed that certain types of humor are healthy for relationships, while others can be harmful.
Humor shouldn’t be treated as a means to an end. It's all about being natural and personal desire to make someone happy and laughing, and not about calculating the needed amount of humor in order to keep the relationship going.
#14 Wife Left Me Alone With The Kids For The First Time And After Asking For An Update I Sent Her This

#15 Plane Toast

#16 My Husband's Idea Of A Gender Reveal Cake

#17 My Wife Cries At Absolutely Anything. I Mean, Anything. So I Started Writing The Reasons Down Because Reasons

#18 My GF Had To Wear This To Work Today. Never Wanted Her More

#19 Spent 10 Minutes Snapping Pics Of My Wife So She Could Have 'The Perfect Sexy Instagram Photo.' When She Was Finally Happy I Asked Her To Return The Favour. We Got This Beauty In One Take

#20 My Wife Told Me To Get Dressed Up For Professional Christmas Photos. Think I Nailed It

#21 My Husband Ian Insisted That Our New Puppy Nala Get Her Own Stocking. I Thought It Was Sweet Until I Realized He Had Ulterior Motives

#22 My Husband Came Home While I Was Asleep And He Says, “Wake Up Or I’m Going To Grab The Goats And Bring Them In!”

#23 Target Husband

#24 Girlfriend Sleep-Talks A Lot. I Write Down The Best Ones When I Can

#25 I Told My Fiancé That We Needed To Get A Funny Tree Topper To Offset The "Adult" Tree. He Nailed It

#26 My Husband Decided To Label Some Of My Herbs

#27 My Wife Put "We Still Do. 13 Years" On This Letter Board. I Added A Word When She Wasn't Looking. She Is Posting This Version To Facebook As I Type This Without Realizing The Change. Wish Me Luck

#28 My Wife And I Recently Attended A Rave-Themed 5K Event. I Took This Picture Of Her Standing In Front Of A Light Board

#29 I Asked My BF To Pick An Outfit For Me While I Was In The Shower

#30 What Happens When My Wife Asks Me To Write The Letter From Santa At 12:30 Am

#31 My Girlfriend Says That I Own Too Many Video Games. I Sent Her This

#32 This Is My Favorite Photo From Our Wedding. Not Pictured: My Wife

#33 Classes Canceled Due To Polar Vortex. What Else To Do But Wrap Your GF Like A Burrito And Feed Her Mozzarella Sticks

#34 My Friend Was Diagnosed With Parkinson’s. He Thought It Would Be Funny To Send This As His Christmas Letter. His Wife, Horrified, Added The Sticker

#35 There Will Never Be Too Much Of Sassy

#36 Boyfriend Gave Me This Poster Of Prison Mike Made Entirely Of Pictures Of Us

#37 My Wife Hates Comic Book Movies. Thanks, Universal

#38 I Gave My Girlfriend A Set Of Keys To My Apartment Today

#39 My Fiancée Hates The Pet Stairs I Bought For Our Dogs, Saying They Don't Even Use Them. After Weeks Of Attempted Training I Sent Her A Pic This Morning

#40 My Wife Wasn’t Sure What To Spend Our 1900 Dave And Busters Tickets On. I Made An Executive Decision

#41 My Girlfriend Didn’t Like My Mustache. I Shaved It For Her, But Not Before Having A Professional Photo Shoot With My Dog

#42 When I Ask My Husband To Cut Vents In The Turkey Pot Pie

#43 My Girlfriend Has Recently Had A Bug Problem In Her Apartment. She's Drunk And Went To The Bathroom. I'm About To Be Single

#44 Friend’s Husband Played A Prank On Her

#45 My Wife Hates Roller Coasters. After I Pitched A Fit About It, She Finally Picked One She Would Ride With Me

#46 Photos I Take Of My Boyfriend vs. Photos He Takes Of Me

#47 Missed My Flight To Meet My Boyfriend And Some Friends In NY, So My BF Was Stuck As A 3rd Wheel For A Day

#48 Caught My Girlfriend Doing Her Makeup This Morning

#49 My Name Is Virginia. This Is My Husband's New Favorite Shirt

#50 My Fortune Cookie Is Trying To Start Some Drama With My Wife And I

If you have some similar photos, we would be happy to see them in the comment section.
