Boyfriend Quickly Becomes An Ex After Calling His Girlfriend's Cat Bad Names When He Thought She Wasn't Home
He thought it was fine because she calls the cat "little miss stinky" from time to time
- Published in Animal Stories
"Do not trust a person who hurts animals" is a piece of sensible advice that pretty much everyone knows about. Someone who is capable of harming an animal without provocation shouldn't be trusted, period.
That type of behavior was just one of the many red flags OP's live-in behavior exhibited during their time together. When they were in the early stages of their relationship, he joked about "getting rid of the cat" but OP excused it that time.
The next questionable instances happened whenever he visited OP's apartment. He kept making jokes about cats being stuck up and how he really is a dog person but OP chalked it up to a preference.
When moving in became a solid part of their plan, he asked OP if she was willing to give up her cat which almost made her laugh until she realized he was not joking. OP said she will not give up Millie for any reason and he reassured her that he can live with that if Millie was that important to OP.
Then came this night when he went home and didn't realize that OP was in the kitchen. Millie was on the couch and OP heard her boyfriend sigh and then say to the cat, "You are so f*cking worthless."
OP was terrified because she never heard him speak with such venom in his voice before
u/catwoesthrowawayOP freaked out and yelled why he was talking to Millie in that manner
u/catwoesthrowawayOP told him to get out of the apartment and argued where was he supposed to go. OP replied that she didn't care but he needed to leave.
u/catwoesthrowawayHe got mad and said he was going for a drive. OP started to cry but Millie, sensing her distress, comforted her until she calmed down.
u/catwoesthrowawayWhen her boyfriend went home, he told her he was hurt because OP called it her apartment when it was theirs and he always felt like he was OP's second priority after Millie. He somehow convinced her that she needed to apologize to him.
u/catwoesthrowawayHere's the fluffy Millie OP is so enamored by
u/catwoesthrowawayThey may not understand it but they can certainly sense the emotions behind it
new_user8223, catwoesthrowawayBecause OP said she also calls Millie names from time to time, a commenter thinks there's a lot more to the story than OP is letting on
FlowComprehensive390However, OP doesn't call her cat "f*cking worthless", she gives her silly little nicknames like most pet owners do
catwoesthrowawayThere was nothing playful in his choice of words
Shruggles8He wants OP to himself, so he sees Millie as the only obstacle to that
Pimpkin_PieWhat else does he say or do to Millie when OP is not around?
motherofbostons2He knows the cat can't understand what he said but he said it anyway just to be cruel
rude_commentorDismissing terrible behavior as a joke was just an excuse and he successfully manipulated OP into thinking she had to apologize to him when he offered none
missmarixOP will set a precedent that treating Millie that way is okay, sooner or later his behavior will escalate because OP will forgive him
MiaOhOP is not completely blameless because she dismissed every negative thing he said about cats said this Redditor
NomanodysseyWhen he went for a drive, he really just bought time to find an acceptable excuse to manipulate OP
Practical-Big7550OP is Millie's whole world, it is up to OP to make sure that everyone in her life is to be trusted around her and her cat. Her boyfriend does not fit that category.
Gwehydd01Less than two weeks later, OP provided a much needed update
u/catwoesthrowawayShe said the eye-opening comments from strangers helped her accept what she has been dismissing all along. They are officially broken up and he moved out of the apartment.
u/catwoesthrowawayJust to hurt OP further, he said OP will be alone for a long time if she can't put her partners above her cat. He also said he will be waiting for OP to reach out when she realizes he's right.
u/catwoesthrowawayOP's ex is wrong — she will find someone who will not only tolerate Millie, but love her, too.
fourbearantsYou don't have to be a cat person to be kind to a cat, especially one that is owned by your significant other
etcetcdotdotdotHe could have taken a hands-off approach to Millie and just accepted that OP will always be around
CopperPegasusIt's possible to live around cats and not be a jerk to them even when you don't like them
KibethwalksTeam Millie through and through!
lindslindslindsssOP did the right thing for her cat and for her, really. Her ex was trying very hard to keep OP to himself and the first step to that was to get rid of the cat.
He would have eventually found a way to lose Millie while OP was out of the house. Too bad that Reddit thwarted his evil plan and now OP & Millie are back to their loving home without his toxic presence.