Boys Can Be Princesses Too is a Project Showcasing Boys Dressed as Their Favorite Princesses, Because Why Not?

"Because no child should be ashamed of what brings them joy."

  • Published in Disney
Boys Can Be Princesses Too is a Project Showcasing Boys Dressed as Their Favorite Princesses, Because Why Not?

"Because no child should be ashamed of what brings them joy." The motto that brings forth this incredible photographic idea into a reality that needed it badly. Founded by Kitty Wolf in early 2019, The Boys Can Be Princesses, Too Project has been a whirlwind of magic. Wolf, the owner of Princesscapdes Princess Parties​, "decided to produce a series of photos showing little boys dressed as their favorite princess, together WITH their favorite princess" because she believes that anyone can and should be able to enjoy the magic of princesses.

And if you're asking yourself why Kitty is putting these photos out there for the world to see? She can answer that, too: "By putting more pictures of boys as princesses out into the world, we show everyone that it's ok to play as whoever you want, even if it's a boy in a ballgown." Darn right, Kitty. We're loving your work.


Calvin's favorite Disney Princess is Cinderella.


Calvin's family is happy to let Calvin enjoy this iconic Disney character. Check out his full gallery here.




"In our house, toys are toys and clothes are clothes." - Teddy's Mother

Check out Teddy's full gallery here.




One Facebook fan said, "The pure and absolute joy on this child’s face is astounding. I love it."

Check out his full gallery here.




Kitty said, "I know there are little boys out there that love these fairy tale characters just as much as the little girls we meet doing princess parties."

Check out Tobias's gallery here.




Liam is a 13-year-old who volunteered to take part in this project specifically to be an ally to boys that like to dress up as princesses. He thinks it's important that everyone should feel comfortable being who they are. We should all admire his compassion and empathy and strive to be more like Liam!

Liam's full gallery is here.


Michael and James

Michael is with Elsa, their gallery is here.

James is with Anna, their gallery is here.

Michael and JamesBoysCanBePrincessesToo


"It's OK to play, it's OK for him to be a kid - that includes dressing up as a princess if he wants to." - Kai's Mother

Kai's full gallery can be viewed here.




You can view Everett's full gallery here.


Kitty's amazing project is brand-spanking new, but she's already amassed over 5,000 supporters on her Facebook page! Her photos and her message are definitely something bringing light and happiness to the world today. If you'd like to support Kitty's project, you can check out her fundraiser here. We are totally excited to see what kind of art and magic The Boys Can Be Princesses, Too Project has in store for us as we go foward into the future.

Don't forget to share with your Disney fanatic friends!
