17 Pictures Of Millennials And Gen Z’s Proving To Baby Boomers That They Aren’t Lazy
Baby boomers tend to prefer doing things the same old way, but the millennials and Gen Z’s are not having any of it.
- Published in Interesting
Most of the time, I can't really accept that we aren't done with this generalizing nonsense. Here’s a news flash: Literally, each and every generation since forever ago has marveled at the generations to come after it.
And when I say each and every, single one, I mean each and every generation. Okay, tell me if you haven’t wondered at some point or another what the next generation will bring to life during their time (if you think you haven’t, you have now).
Baby boomers tend to prefer doing things the same old way, but the millennials and Gen Z’s are not having any of it. Just in case you didn’t know, baby boomers are those born between the years 1946 and 1964.
Millennials are people born from the years 1981 to 1996, while Gen Z’s are people born from the years 1997 to 2012. If your year isn’t listed above, you don’t have to worry.
There’s a name ascribed to all the years, just that the baby boomers, the millennials, and the Gen Z’s are the most popular ones. What's more, we simply continue to turn all around this carousel since... I don't have the foggiest idea whether all this is fun.
For somebody? Anyway, you’ll get to see 17 screenshots of millennials and Gen Z simply trying to cool their heads off.
1. What they say versus what they actually implement
u/GiveMeYourBussy2. What part of we're poor aren't you people understanding?
dajack605853. What boomers wish they had versus reality
Weird_Ad36114. And that is how the circle keeps going round and round
Hglucky135. How many millennials does it take to change a lightbulb?
SeaworthinessJumpy956. Summarizing the millenial struggle in two sentences
Corbinado7. Does the "no spend month" actually work?
u/FreehealthcareNOWw8. Lol... The end part got me real good
ndnd_of_omicron9. And she still compares now to then... Interesting times
UrSanabi10. I can never stop shouting this out loud enough - Increase my salary
u/DizzyDrunkDude11. So how are supposed to cater for the kids when the pay is poor?
u/evansfaf12. If you can name a state in the US where minimum wage is enough for a 2 bedroom apartment, let me hear you
u/Kickincutie13. What my retirement plan literally says
u/FickleBeekeeper14. Seeking for extra pay isn't being spoiled or entitled
u/bluebrindleivy15. What my retirement plan is all about...
u/Key-Chain-200216. What Gen Z's actual demand is versus what millennials think it is
u/ThatcherIsDeed17. What it's supposed to be versus what it is
u/ERTBenThere is no end to the things one can see online, as virtually every topic you can think of has been trashed in one way or another. Baby boomers have to understand that we’re in the jet age now and certain things are no longer the same as before.
So let the millennials and Gen Z’s have a breath of fresh air, please. And don’t forget to drop your thoughts in the comments below.