Boomers Explain Things They Actually Really Like About Millennials

You might think all that boomers ever do is complain about people younger than them.... but that's not always the case

Boomers Explain Things They Actually Really Like About Millennials

It seems like all boomers ever do is complain about people younger than them.. and older than them... and basically everything... but that's not always the case! 

There's a group of seriously 'woke' boomers on Reddit, and they recently explained things that they actually really LIKE about millennials! Yep! You read that correctly. Boomers are taking a break from yelling, 'get off my lawn' and demanding to speak to the manager, and are admitting things that they actually enjoy, respect and LIKE about young people.

Their answers and awesome and actually pretty understandable... but really, any Boomer who uses Reddit is probably actually pretty cool. You can view all the answers here - but we've compiled the best below!

Keep scrolling to check out some pretty heartwarming answers.

Here's the original post.

Here's the original post. Reddit

They love video games.

They love video games. Reddit

"No worries"


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