Viral Twitter Thread About Body Autonomy Attracted A Lot Of Attention From Women All Around The World

Body autonomy is the freedom to choose what you want to do with your own body and when

Viral Twitter Thread About Body Autonomy Attracted A Lot Of Attention From Women All Around The World

Body autonomy is the freedom to choose what you want to do with your own body and when. Still, people tend to forget that, especially when it comes to women’s right to it.

Everyone supports that right in general; after all -it is the right thing to do, but when it comes to real-world implementation of that right, many women are under pressure. 

A woman recently shared on Twitter what body autonomy actually means to females. It soon became viral because so many of them can relate to this story. Take a look - we could all learn something from this.

She started with this:

She started with this:Twitter

Then she explained how her mother had a difficult pregnancy:

Then she explained how her mother had a difficult pregnancy:Twitter

Her mother wanted to speak with her doctor about sterilization.

Her mother wanted to speak with her doctor about sterilization.Twitter

And she was scolded by her male, Catholic physician.

And she was scolded by her male, Catholic physician.Twitter

Her mom was embarrassed and made to feel guilty about wanting to know her options. But with new pregnancy, a new physician made her feel more relaxed.

Her mom was embarrassed and made to feel guilty about wanting to know her options. But with new pregnancy, a new physician made her feel more relaxed.Twitter

She compares her mother’s experiences to the society today.

She compares her mother’s experiences to the society today.Twitter

Once mom spoke to her family, they all supported her.

Once mom spoke to her family, they all supported her.Twitter

She ended with a conclusion:

She ended with a conclusion:Twitter