A Photographer Has A Rare Encounter With A Black Wolf And The End Results Speak For Themselves 

In a series of terrific photographs taken during the winter months of the year, Tan shows us the eminent beauty and elegance of this creature.

A Photographer Has A Rare Encounter With A Black Wolf And The End Results Speak For Themselves 

It certainly must be a dream come true for any photographer to get a brief look at a majestic, rare, wild creature. Conrad Tan's dream came true for him with a visit to the wilderness of Minnesota in the United States.

Conrad Tan is a photographer based in San Francisco who had a rare encounter with a striking beauty who happens to be a black timber wolf. In a series of terrific photographs taken during the winter months of the year, Tan shows us the eminent beauty and elegance of this creature.

Black wolves have pointed ears, a sharp nose, and the most captivating of all—their penetrating eyes. Usually, these wolves grow up to be somewhere between 60 and 140 pounds.

The male black wolves are bigger than the females, and they fall under the Canis Lupus specie. Black wolves are rare and can be found almost solely in North America.

In the Canis lupus specie, black wolves are the most interesting of all the color varieties. Black wolves have that color due to a genetic mutation that causes a condition known as melanism.

Melanism means that there is an increased presence of dark pigmentation that causes a person to have a black color. Black wolves are also intriguing because of their distribution.

There are fundamentally more black wolves in North America than there are in Europe. The skilled photographer ended up in one of the state's numerous wildlife refugees.

There, he had the opportunity to see and take many snapshots of this majestic animal in his own natural habitat. The pictures are stunning as they really speak for themselves.

Meet the majestic black timber wolf!

Meet the majestic black timber wolf!Conrad Tan

Well, hello there!

Well, hello there!Conrad Tan

Tan sees himself as a perfectionist when it comes to photography, and he’s amazingly passionate and proficient.

Tan sees himself as a perfectionist when it comes to photography, and he’s amazingly passionate and proficient.Conrad Tan

Whatever that might be, Tan says he is overwhelmed with creating the ideal photograph. He clarified that he will usually battle with each picture he makes since he believes that he can certainly improve on it and that keeps him returning.

"There are numerous disciplines I have yet to attempt in this hobby. If I can, I also enjoy assisting other photographers, as I think it is essential to give back to the activity that has brought me so much joy." For Native Americans, the black wolf is the spirit wolf, whose presence implies that you are going to learn a vital lesson.


Scroll down to enjoy a few more photos of his journey with the black timber wolf!

Scroll down to enjoy a few more photos of his journey with the black timber wolf!Conrad Tan

Ain't I a beauty?

Ain't I a beauty?Conrad Tan

Look at those eyes...

Though they are all part of the wolf family, black wolves appear to look distinct from grey wolves due to their dark overall. The dark coat is due to a genetic condition that causes the dark pigmentation of their skin to increase.

Look at those eyes...Conrad Tan

Action Shot

Action ShotConrad Tan

Off I go...

Off I go...Conrad Tan

Phew! One would wonder what the first reaction of the photographer was when he first saw the black timber wolf – it is, after all, a wild animal. In any case, did you find the above pictures stunning?

Leave us a comment or two down below about this striking creature, and don’t forget to share, because sharing is caring!

h.t: Conrad Tan
