Black People Ask White People Questions They've Always Wanted To Ask - The Results Are Absolutely Hilarious
Race and anything to do with it can be an extremely awkward topic to tackle

Race and anything to do with it can be an extremely awkward topic to tackle, especially with the current political climate and ESPECIALLY in the United States.
What is great, is seeing how things like technology and the internet can help people of different backgrounds come together in a healthy and happy way to learn about each other in spirit of fun and laughter.
Recently, The Afrocentric Film Collaborative asked black people to ask white people a question they've always wanted to ask. They warned everyone to play nice.
The results are awesome and seriously funny, check them out!
Here is where is all began:

Of course, as with most of us, food was the first thing on the agenda!


I am white, and I also have this question!


White people took it in great fun and things were actually harmonious

We even learned a few things....




Not a damn thing!

Peaceful and playful!
