12 Pictures Of Black Cats That Will Make You Want A Dark Knight Of Your Own

Black cat magic? Sign us the heck up, please.

  • Published in Animals
12 Pictures Of Black Cats That Will Make You Want A Dark Knight Of Your Own

There is no doubt whatsoever that cats are adorable. However, we think black cats may be the most adorable felines you will ever see. 

Although they are traditionally associated with bad luck, black cats can do no wrong in our eyes. These incredibly fluffy felines are utterly endearing and unbelievably lovable. 

What’s more? Once you cuddle a black cat, there’s no going back.

Unfortunately, they have not always gotten all the love they deserve. Instead, they have been the subject of several myths, including being associated with witchcraft and black magic. 

Thankfully, that’s not always the case. In some countries, black cats are symbols of good luck. For example, in Japan, it is believed that single women with black cats are more likely to attract suitors than those without black cats.

In many other countries like Scotland, a black cat appearing on your doorstep signifies good luck. Don’t you want one for yourself now? We bet you do!

We have compiled a list of black cat appreciation posts that will make you hurry to your local animal shelter or rescue group to get a black cat. After scrolling through these posts, you will believe that black cats deserve a “Most Adorable” award. 

Are you ready to become an unapologetic black cat supporter? Then let’s get right into it!

1. Can’t get enough of this cat’s beauty

Do you even have to ask? We’re right here!

1. Can’t get enough of this cat’s beauty@Cat_Happy

2. You had us at meow

Hello, nice to meet you, lil’ cutie!

2. You had us at meow@noeainq

3. Why have one black cat when you can have double the cuteness and double the fun?

We get it, Laura. We love them too.

3. Why have one black cat when you can have double the cuteness and double the fun?@quickwitter

4. A perfect little angel

Now, we want one for ourselves.

4. A perfect little angel@JanetecMiller

5. Only black cats allowed!

When life gives you choices, you should only pick the ones with cute whiskers and black fur. You can never go wrong with that.

5. Only black cats allowed!@ivyjofreeman

6. Who needs a lone cat when you can have your own black cat music band?

We propose a name; Triangle of cuteness

6. Who needs a lone cat when you can have your own black cat music band?@etucker1967

7. Meet Loki

He’s the fluffiest of them all!

7. Meet Loki@LizPriebe

8. A mash-up that everyone loves

White cats are just as adorable as black cats. Now imagine mixing the two. Cuteness overload!

8. A mash-up that everyone loves@camprobyn

9. Serotonin overdose

We feel all of it gushing through. How adorable is this little munchkin?

9. Serotonin overdose@KOvercash1

10. “Oh no, Mister. You’re not leaving this house without me.”

We’re with him on this one. You either take him with you, or call the office and take a day off.

10. “Oh no, Mister. You’re not leaving this house without me.”@PlazaBrewer

11. Say hello to Inky boo. He looks upset

“Wait, let me get this striaght...you woke me up from my nap just to take a picture?”

11. Say hello to Inky boo. He looks upset@kimster_giggles

12. Here's all you need to know about Hekili

It’s a pleasure to meowt you too.

12. Here's all you need to know about Hekili@HibiscusLynn

We hope you enjoyed this trip to the world of black cats. Don’t you think these felines deserve to be appreciated more? We certainly do. 

If there was a cat-o-meter to measure how adorable cats are, we don’t doubt that black cats would top their colorful brothers and sisters.

Do you love black cats? Tell us what you love about these enchanting felines in the comment section!
