Woman Gets Accused Of "Throwing Tantrum" After Being Sidelined On Her Birthday, Redditors React

"I felt abandoned & ended up being passive aggressive"

Woman Gets Accused Of "Throwing Tantrum" After Being Sidelined On Her Birthday, Redditors React

Very few events can be compared to a birthday. Not only do they serve as a constant reminder of our age, but they also symbolize our progress.

Participating in them is a wonderful way to let someone know how much you value them. One way we show our love for particular people is by giving them gifts on their birthday.

Not only do we consider a person's life expectancy when we celebrate their birthday, but we also consider their accomplishments. Everybody gets the opportunity to feel unique and realize how much their loved ones care about them on their birthday.

Celebrating your birthday is vital, not simply other people's! It's a beautiful way to honor yourself and express gratitude for who you are.

Therefore, it matters what kind of birthday celebration you have. The OP of today's story chose to have a private birthday picnic with her husband and close friends.

They had two cars available, and the OP thought that her friend would be uncomfortable sitting alone with a different couple. The OP offered to sit in the second car and asked her friend to join her.

Last month, this friend decided to go sit in the other car with the OP's husband and other friends. The OP felt abandoned and ended up being passively aggressive, as this wasn't the first time her friend had things that left the OP with more questions than answers.

The OP writes

The OP writesReddit/MotherOfCats0115

They specifically asked to pack up the party soon because they had major events

They specifically asked to pack up the party soon because they had major eventsReddit/MotherOfCats0115

OP's friend brought alcohol without running by them, which was not a part of the plan

OP's friend brought alcohol without running by them, which was not a part of the planReddit/MotherOfCats0115

The OP explained to her friend that these situations also seep in their marriage

The OP explained to her friend that these situations also seep in their marriageReddit/MotherOfCats0115

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the AH:

1. I couldn't regulate my emotions & was passive aggressive towards her, called her out for sidelining me & getting alcohol without running it by me. She knows I am not a fan of alcohol.
2. She must have felt disrespected when I physically distanced myself from her for the entire time we were out, and lashed at her for taking my friends away and isolating me. I could have dealt with it in a better way.

And the comments from other Redditors roll in...

And the comments from other Redditors roll in...Reddit/MotherOfCats0115

Having the decency to apologize for rude behaviour

Having the decency to apologize for rude behaviourReddit/MotherOfCats0115

Cutting her off and insisting that her husband does the same

Cutting her off and insisting that her husband does the sameReddit/MotherOfCats0115

When you ask someone to leave your home and they don't

When you ask someone to leave your home and they don'tReddit/MotherOfCats0115

Being sorry that a reaction to someone's behaviour made them feel uncomfortable

Being sorry that a reaction to someone's behaviour made them feel uncomfortableReddit/MotherOfCats0115

She's hiding behind it and sounds like she's dependant on it

She's hiding behind it and sounds like she's dependant on itReddit/MotherOfCats0115

Removing this person before she ends OP's marriage

Removing this person before she ends OP's marriageReddit/MotherOfCats0115

She should question her alcohol use and seek to reduce it

She should question her alcohol use and seek to reduce itReddit/MotherOfCats0115

Due to the fact that they commemorate the anniversary of our birth—the day we entered the world—birthdays have special meaning for us. It's a time to celebrate our existence, take stock of the previous year, and look forward to what lies ahead.

Redditors made their verdict and the OP was declared not the AH. Leave your thoughts about this story in the comments section below and share this post as well.
