Jealous Daughter Makes Her Cousin Cry At Their Grandpa's 85th Birthday Party For Bringing Her Pet Finger Monkey

She got upset when her mom did not scold her cousin for bringing a pygmy marmoset to their house but found dogs unsanitary.

Jealous Daughter Makes Her Cousin Cry At Their Grandpa's 85th Birthday Party For Bringing Her Pet Finger Monkey

A 30-year-old made a scene at her grandfather's 85th birthday party when her cousin brought her pygmy marmoset pet to the gathering. OP didn't realize her real issue was the double standards between her and her 22-year-old cousin, Jane.

OP explained that she grew up in a family with strict values — they were especially rigid about table manners. Their family was also the de facto host for important family gatherings.

As such, OP's parents spared no expense to celebrate her grandfather's birthday. OP said she helped decorate for hours, her dad paid for everything, while her mom cooked food and was in charge of all the invites.

Everyone in the family was invited, including Jane. OP didn't like Jane because her parents' strict rules didn't apply to Jane.

She said her mom pitied Jane and took her in because her parents were "unstable." They dealt with alcoholism and incarceration, so she felt her mom excused Jane's behaviors she wouldn't approve of in anyone else.

OP found Jane "unconventional but couldn't blame her because of her rough upbringing." Jane's recently adopted pet only cemented this belief for OP.

OP found it incredibly irritating that Jane brought Nips everywhere, even to their house. OP thought her mom would finally scold Jane because of how she felt about bringing animals, even large dogs, inside the house unhygienic.

To her dismay, her mom found Jane's pet adorable and cooed over her. When Jane showed up to their grandpa's party at the last minute with Nips in tow, OP thought it would be her mom's breaking point.

Instead, her mom showed Nips off to everyone, including the birthday celebrant.

Instead, her mom showed Nips off to everyone, including the birthday celebrant.Civil-Bumblebee-4442

OP thought her grandpa looked uncomfortable being around the animal. Since her mom was fine with it, OP thought it was her duty to scold Jane for bringing a monkey to a party.

OP thought her grandpa looked uncomfortable being around the animal. Since her mom was fine with it, OP thought it was her duty to scold Jane for bringing a monkey to a party.Civil-Bumblebee-4442

Jane looked confused when OP confronted her. OP told her bringing Nips everywhere was disrespectful. She said Jane should have left Nips at home.

Jane looked confused when OP confronted her. OP told her bringing Nips everywhere was disrespectful. She said Jane should have left Nips at home.Civil-Bumblebee-4442

Jane left the party crying. OP's mom was mad at her and said she undid all the effort they put into making Jane feel welcome in the family.

Jane left the party crying. OP's mom was mad at her and said she undid all the effort they put into making Jane feel welcome in the family.Civil-Bumblebee-4442

Her grandpa looked miserable after Jane left. OP said their reaction made her feel like the bad guy.

Her grandpa looked miserable after Jane left. OP said their reaction made her feel like the bad guy.Civil-Bumblebee-4442

Redditors encouraged OP to reflect to find out why she was jealous of her younger cousin who was dealt a rough hand.

Redditors encouraged OP to reflect to find out why she was jealous of her younger cousin who was dealt a rough hand.laughinglovinglivid

OP dismissed the suggestion and justified why she was right to reprimand (see: humiliate) Jane in front of everyone.

OP dismissed the suggestion and justified why she was right to reprimand (see: humiliate) Jane in front of everyone.Civil-Bumblebee-4442

Jane could have brought a service animal and OP would have found an issue with it.

Jane could have brought a service animal and OP would have found an issue with it.the_road_infinite

OP shouldn't have assumed how her grandpa felt about Jane bringing a pet to the function.

OP shouldn't have assumed how her grandpa felt about Jane bringing a pet to the function.Excellent-Count4009

Maybe OP just isn't ready to face her real issue is.

Maybe OP just isn't ready to face her real issue is.Competitive_Delay865

Still, it's questionable for Jane to keep a wild animal as a pet.

Still, it's questionable for Jane to keep a wild animal as a pet.Spotzie27

Even a quick online search would have told them it was a terrible idea to keep them indoors.

Even a quick online search would have told them it was a terrible idea to keep them indoors.MsMoongoose

OP's real problem is not with Jane. She needs to be honest with her mom about how her treatment of Jane versus how she raised them makes her feel.

A majority of the concerned Redditors voted that OP was the a**hole. She shouldn't have unleashed years of resentment on her cousin who just wanted to celebrate their grandfather's birthday.
