Birthday Celebrant Is Undecided If She Should Go See Her Favorite Band When Her Friends Are Throwing Her A Surprise Party

Concert > lousy friends

Birthday Celebrant Is Undecided If She Should Go See Her Favorite Band When Her Friends Are Throwing Her A Surprise Party

Surprise birthday parties always seem so fun on TV shows and films. They can be enjoyed by people who don't mind surprises, but throwing them for those who don't is a bad idea.

This birthday celebrant belongs to the latter category. She planned to go to the concert of her favorite artist to mark another year added to her life.

OP bought the concert tickets a year ago and shopped for an outfit to wear to the concert. Needless to say, she has been looking forward to this event for over a year.

About three weeks before the concert, OP & her roommate were talking, and OP shared just how excited she was about the concert. Her roommate let OP in on a secret: one of their friends booked a venue and was throwing a party for OP that day.

She advised OP to cancel her plans to attend the surprise party. OP's defenses immediately went up.

She knows what kind of parties her friend enjoys. They are loud and usually thrown at a club which is the type of event OP usually avoids.

OP said the thought was sweet but she wished someone had asked her if she had a prior plan for that night. Her roommate reiterated that OP should just cancel whatever else she had going on.

OP thought the quiet dinner she planned with her friends the day after the concert was enough

OP thought the quiet dinner she planned with her friends the day after the concert was enoughu/rosalynde

They all agreed to celebrate her birthday that day but OP found out they arranged to go to a game together without her

They all agreed to celebrate her birthday that day but OP found out they arranged to go to a game together without heru/rosalynde

OP was hurt because she confirmed the dinner plans with her friends several times and they all agreed to be there

OP was hurt because she confirmed the dinner plans with her friends several times and they all agreed to be thereu/rosalynde

But their apparent disregard for her wishes is making OP want to skip the surprise party and attend the concert instead which could land her in hot waters with her friends

But their apparent disregard for her wishes is making OP want to skip the surprise party and attend the concert instead which could land her in hot waters with her friendsu/rosalynde

Based on how her friends behaved, OP shouldn't even be torn between an unwanted surprise party or the concert of her favorite band

Based on how her friends behaved, OP shouldn't even be torn between an unwanted surprise party or the concert of her favorite bandAccomplished_Trip_

If there's a petty way to handle this, you can trust a Redditor to guide you through it

If there's a petty way to handle this, you can trust a Redditor to guide you through itSnooRabbits302

This message is perfect and OP should definitely use the message

This message is perfect and OP should definitely use the messageSnooRabbits302

Drive the point home and make them feel a little guilty for being so inconsiderate

Drive the point home and make them feel a little guilty for being so inconsideratestunneddisbelief

Shouldn't the party be centered around the celebrant and what she enjoys? OP will have a chance to find better friends at the concert.

Shouldn't the party be centered around the celebrant and what she enjoys? OP will have a chance to find better friends at the concert.babcock27

Maybe they won't even notice OP's absence seeing as how little thought they put into this party that's supposed to be for her

Maybe they won't even notice OP's absence seeing as how little thought they put into this party that's supposed to be for herimothro

OP will just be a footnote to her own event. It really does read like her friends wanted a night of debauchery and it conveniently happened to be OP's birthday.

OP will just be a footnote to her own event. It really does read like her friends wanted a night of debauchery and it conveniently happened to be OP's birthday.dora_teh_explorah

At the party, there's a slim chance that OP will have a good time but at the concert of her ultimate favorite band, a great time is guaranteed

At the party, there's a slim chance that OP will have a good time but at the concert of her ultimate favorite band, a great time is guaranteedcaptaincatcircus

Objectively speaking, OP has no obligation to attend the surprise party her friends set up for her. They all know about the concert she bought the tickets for a year ago and a quick Google search would have given them all the details they needed to select the best date for the party.

Besides, OP went through all the trouble of booking a dinner at a restaurant for all of them which they had no plans of attending anyway. Like what the other Redditors said, have fun at the concert OP!
