A 2nd-Grade Teacher Accidentally Shows Her Class Film About Bird Mating And Has To Avoid Awkward Questions

"I just responded that the bird was not attacking, just that now that they are friends, he was initiating a game of tag."

A 2nd-Grade Teacher Accidentally Shows Her Class Film About Bird Mating And Has To Avoid Awkward Questions

Teaching children is quite hard. You have to be able to connect with them before even beginning to teach them the things they need to learn. 

Teachers need to be able to view the world from their students' point of view and try to understand things as they do. The world is a lot different from their perspective, and teachers need to slow down their thinking to be able to relate to them.

Noticing the small details around you is crucial, and the more attentive the teacher is, the better the results can be. Younger kids have a different thought process than even older kids.

A Redditor who goes by the username u/ecv82 made a post on the r/tifu subReddit where she explained how she accidentally showed her 2nd graders "bird p0rn." The user played a Netflix documentary to them and didn't realize it was about birds mating. 

Soon afterward, she started getting bombarded with hard-to-answer questions that she had to answer without revealing anything the kids shouldn't know yet. The user got a lot of interesting reactions to her situation. 

Scroll down to check out the full Reddit post, and scroll a little further to read the comments from the original post.

Here's the original post by Reddit user u/ecv82:

Op put on a documentary on Netflix for her 2nd graders while finishing up the reports but didn't realize what it what about.

Here's the original post by Reddit user u/ecv82:Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

Op tried to find age appropriate answers to the questions her 2nd graders asked.

Op tried to find age appropriate answers to the questions her 2nd graders asked.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

Here's how the Reddit community reacted to u/ecv82's post:

Here's how the Reddit community reacted to u/ecv82's post:Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

This is why you don't have a reason to get a lawyer.

This is why you don't have a reason to get a lawyer.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

The kids will look back at this moment and remember the lies.

The kids will look back at this moment and remember the lies.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

It can be disturbing for a kid to watch those documentaries.

It can be disturbing for a kid to watch those documentaries.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

Don't follow an internet stranger's advice; you shouldn't risk watching it before bed.

Don't follow an internet stranger's advice; you shouldn't risk watching it before bed.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

Birds would not approve of what Op did.

Birds would not approve of what Op did.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

"That's a pretty weird way to hug, mom."

Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

It could have been much worse than that.

It could have been much worse than that.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

They saw the opportunity to pun and took it.

They saw the opportunity to pun and took it.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

The parents might have some complaints after getting weird questions from their kids.

The parents might have some complaints after getting weird questions from their kids.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

That would have been even worse.

That would have been even worse.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

Some people have a wild imagination.

Some people have a wild imagination.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

Kids need to hear the truth and be addressed with honestly.

Kids need to hear the truth and be addressed with honestly.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

Op would have handled the situation different if it had happened with her own kids.

Op would have handled the situation different if it had happened with her own kids.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

The kids actually enjoyed the documentary Op made them watch.

The kids actually enjoyed the documentary Op made them watch.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

Parents are bloodthirsty and can get Op in trouble.

Parents are bloodthirsty and can get Op in trouble.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

Learning about the birds and the bees.

Learning about the birds and the bees.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

Birds would not be cool with what Op did.

Birds would not be cool with what Op did.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

It can get even worse at Sea World.

It can get even worse at Sea World.Reddit: r/AmItheA**hole

Op couldn't have predicted that the documentary would have that, but it would be wiser to double-check next time to avoid awkward questions and angry parents. Some parents are probably avoiding these subjects and wouldn't want to be forced to address them at the moment.

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