Redditor Gets Attacked By His Bird And Almost Loses A Finger After Accidentally "Turning Him On"
"Now when I walk by his cage I can see his eyes drawn straight to my feet and it makes me feel like a piece of fruit."

Cockatoos can express aggression towards family members, friends, or even complete strangers. Their behavior can be unpredictable when they feel like they are in danger.
An aggressive cockatoo can originate from stress, fear, or improper socialization. The way a cockatoo behaves can be kept under control by trying to understand what triggers its anger and prevent it from happening.
Being able to anticipate the aggressive behavior of a cockatoo can help prevent it with brief time-outs, regular socialization, and controlled responses. If stress is the cause of aggressive behavior, it's usually better to move the bird to a different environment.
Training a frequently aggressive cockatoo is also an approach that many people oft for. It's not always necessary, but when aggressive behavior becomes a recurring problem, it's better to have a professional deal with it.
A Redditor who goes by the username u/rubenrudnik made a post on the r/tifu subReddit where he explained how he accidentally "sexually assaulted" his cockatoo and almost lost a finger because of it. The user had to be saved by his wife after the bird attacked him.
Scroll down to check out the full Reddit post, and scroll a little further to read the comments from the original post.
Here's the original post by Reddit user u/rubenrudnik:

Op wasn't aware of what he was doing and ended up turning the bird on.

Potter considered Op's finger as a "rival lover" and chomped down on it.

Op added a TL;DR at the end and eventually modified the post to include an "Edit" for more context.

"This bottom part bled like crazy. His beak punctured it pretty bad but it doesnt look like it."

"Mandatory Pet Tax. Killer Bird"
"Hanging out at grandma's house"

"Getting Some Num Nums"

"Loving on daddy"

"Looking Cute As Hell"

"Checking Out The Dog."

Here's how the Reddit community reacted to u/rubenrudnik's post:

The bird is probably asking the same question.

Op should have known better.

That's a hilarious way to describe the bird's stares.

If you're not careful around these birds, they will take a chunk off you.

You have to be on the lookout for your ears.

The wife's towel technique is quite effective.

It won't end up as well as it did with Potter.

"Cockatoos are TERRIFYING."

Cockatoos are scared of things that tower over them.

Adopting a Cockatoo is like having an eternal toddler.

That feels like the natural thing to do but Cockatoos will misunderstand it.

They have unusually strong beaks.

Op will now think twice before interacting with his bird in any way. Being chased by a Cockatoo through your house must be terrifying. Your options are so limited; they can get to you before you can even start running.
Thankfully, Op didn't lose his finger, and the bird only inflicted minor damage. If you enjoyed reading this story, make sure to check out similar content on our platform.
