Woman Recounts How Her Bike Accident Caused Her Parents To Divorce

OP's father's negligence led to her severe biking injury.

Woman Recounts How Her Bike Accident Caused Her Parents To Divorce

When parents don't take care of their responsibilities towards their children, it can cause big problems in the family. Parents have an important job in looking after and supporting their kids, both with their feelings and their everyday needs.

When parents don't do this job properly, it can make family life complicated, which is a sad thing to remember. This can lead to parents deciding to separate and get a divorce.

In the summer of 1997, OP's birth father, referred to as her sperm donor (SD), demonstrated his emotionally and mentally abusive behavior and laziness. He refused to work, leaving OP's mother to provide for the family while taking care of household chores and his needs.

Things escalated when OP got injured during a family gathering at a state park. OP's mother had given her a new 10-speed bike just before the event and entrusted SD with teaching her to ride it safely.

However, SD chose to relax instead and told OP to figure it out herself, with her older cousin's help. OP's mother had always stressed the importance of wearing a helmet while biking.

During their ride, OP lost control on a steep hill, leading to a severe accident. She ended up with a dislocated and broken arm, covered in ants.

Her mother rushed her to the hospital, where doctors questioned them about possible abuse, given her injuries. Her mother, a social worker experienced with child abuse cases, defended their family.

SD's involvement became significant when he reacted dramatically to the news of the accident, blaming the bike and throwing it into a tree in a fit of rage. He attempted to follow them to the hospital but ended up at the wrong one.

When he learned about the situation, he blamed OP and her mother, sparking a heated argument that ultimately led to his removal from their lives. This incident marked the beginning of their separation and eventual divorce.

OP's father was emotionally and mentally abusive, refusing to work and expecting OP's mom to provide for the family and handle all household duties. Eventually, OP's mom had enough and kicked him out.

OP's father was emotionally and mentally abusive, refusing to work and expecting OP's mom to provide for the family and handle all household duties. Eventually, OP's mom had enough and kicked him out.Reddit

In 1997, OP received a brand new 10-speed bicycle from their mother, and it was expected that her father would be the one to teach her how to ride it.

In 1997, OP received a brand new 10-speed bicycle from their mother, and it was expected that her father would be the one to teach her how to ride it.Reddit

OP's father was not in the mood to deal with it and chose to entrust OP to a family member instead.

OP's father was not in the mood to deal with it and chose to entrust OP to a family member instead.Reddit

An accident occurred as a result of a child's play.

An accident occurred as a result of a child's play.Reddit

In the hospital, medical staff discover an unusual set of injuries, one doctor questions OP about potential abuse

In the hospital, medical staff discover an unusual set of injuries, one doctor questions OP about potential abuseReddit

OP's father holds the bike responsible and sets out to search for OP.

OP's father holds the bike responsible and sets out to search for OP.Reddit

This incident escalates into a heated argument where OP's mom confronts the partner for avoiding responsibility and being a poor parent and spouse

This incident escalates into a heated argument where OP's mom confronts the partner for avoiding responsibility and being a poor parent and spouseReddit

Irresponsible reaction leads to an argument and the end of their marriage.

Irresponsible reaction leads to an argument and the end of their marriage.Reddit

Karma for OP's dad

Karma for OP's dadReddit

It's great that OP survived an accident and got rid of the father

It's great that OP survived an accident and got rid of the fatherReddit

People often deflect blame when guilty

People often deflect blame when guiltyReddit

OP's dad is unpleasant or rude

OP's dad is unpleasant or rudeReddit

When parents don't do their job of taking care of their kids and providing for them, it can mess up the family. It hurts the kids and makes the family less stable. When this happens, sometimes the only option left is for the parents to get a divorce, which is a really sad thing for everyone.

So, it's super important for parents to understand how much their actions affect their kids and their whole family. We should all make an effort to be good parents, taking care of our children's feelings and needs, to have happier families and better lives for our kids in the long run.
