People Share Their Biggest Everyday Pet Peeve That Really Grinds Their Gears

Definitely loud people in general or anyone who talks loudly on the phone

  • Published in Funny
People Share Their Biggest Everyday Pet Peeve That Really Grinds Their Gears

We, unfortunately, have to share this godforsaken planet with other humans beings who aren't exactly the brightest, which means that we have to deal with their nonsense every single day and we don't even have the right to complain.

We all have pet peeves that annoy the hell out of us on the daily, no one can obviously do anything about them, you just have to learn how to deal with it for as long as it takes, otherwise, it'll definitely break your soul and drive you insane.

Twitter user @Home_Halfway asked people what their biggest everyday pet peeve was and the responses were definitely not disappointing at all.

Here's @Home_Halfway's original Tweet


2. It still counts as smoking indoors dude

3. I dislike people who have slow reactions in general

4. Like what's the point?

5. It's not even that complicated

6. Oh god, especially when they have a bad taste in music

7. This girl gets it

8. Please don't do that

9. I do that, guilty as charged

10. The internet works as its supposed to, calm down

11. Selfish people in general piss me off


13. I'd like some personal space please

14. Why do people even do that
