The Biggest Goldfish You've Ever Seen Has Been Caught By A British Man And The Video Went Viral Online

The Carrot is “a much sought-after fish, not many people have caught it, it’s quite elusive"

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The Biggest Goldfish You've Ever Seen Has Been Caught By A British Man And The Video Went Viral Online

Those tiny orange fish at the pet store or the fair may come to mind when you think about goldfish. People who think goldfish need big tanks and people who think they can live happily in small aquariums are always at odds with each other, with each side providing arguments for and against them.

The claim that goldfish won't outgrow their tank is one of the most frequently used defenses for housing them in smaller aquariums. which many people believe sounds absurd and is not at all grounded in science. The size of the tank is by no means the sole factor that affects the growth of goldfish; there are several others as well.

The amount of food it consumes, stress levels, and general health can all have a significant impact on how big or small a goldfish becomes. Actually, goldfish can get fairly big (up to 12 inches long in captivity).

However, a monster was caught by a British man and it embarrassed his compatriots (you'll see the video as you scroll to the end). Just look at this bad boy's size below.

h/t: eBaum’s WorldBBC

It happened at a stocked lake in France where Andy Hackett reeled in an infamous fish named “The Carrot,” a 67-pound, 4-ounce giant

It happened at a stocked lake in France where Andy Hackett reeled in an infamous fish named “The Carrot,” a 67-pound, 4-ounce giantBluewater Lakes on Facebook

In some cases, goldfish will expand to fill their tanks, but for this to happen in your tank, you must be aware of the mechanism of action that generates this effect. Andy Hackett caught the fabled fish known as "The Carrot," a 67-pound, 4-ounce behemoth, at a stocked lake in France.

After a 25-minute battle, Hackett caught the notoriously elusive Carrot, which was stocked in the lake around 20 years ago. Hackett displayed the carrot for the camera before releasing him back into nature.


Here are what commenters, who saw the video, had to say:

Here are what commenters, who saw the video, had to say:Bluewater Lakes on Facebook

She is truly a beauty

She is truly a beautyBluewater Lakes on Facebook

He told the BBC that everyone's first reaction once he pulled in the fish was "You're going to need a bigger bowl." Despite his appearance, The Carrot is actually a combination of a leather carp and a koi carp rather than a true goldfish.

The carrot is "a highly sought-after fish; not many people have caught it; it's pretty elusive," according to Hackett.


The video of Hackett’s catch went viral and you can watch it below


If you're curious, the International Game Fish Association reports that the record weight for a real goldfish is 9 pounds, 6 ounces. Congratulations poured in after Hackett's catch was captured on camera and it did go viral.

We've got some bad news if you want to travel to France and try The Carrot for yourself: the fishery has a more than 5-year waiting list. Drop your thoughts about this fish in the comments below.
