Redditor Refuses To Remove His GF From The Lease So She Could Take Care Of Her Sick Grandma Because He Hates Roommates
"But how is it fair she goes to live with her grandma rent free while I’m stuck with a stranger I don’t know..."

People are allowed to be selfish to a certain degree. Even in times of hardship, selfishness helps people thrive and survive in this world.
Most of us were taught not to be selfish and to always be aware of how much we're taking and giving back. However, people are not raised the same way and have different upbringings.
When someone fails to maintain the balance between selfishness and selflessness, especially when tilted significantly towards selfishness, it can become harmful for everyone involved. No one likes selfish people, and if the behavior persists, it can lead to social rejection.
A Redditor who later deleted his account made a post on the r/AmItheA**hole subReddit where he explained how he refused to remove his girlfriend from the lease after she could no longer live with him. The girlfriend is supposed to move in with her grandma to provide care and look after her, but the Op thinks it's unfair because he doesn't want to live with a roommate.
The user got a lot of interesting reactions to her post. Scroll down to check out the full Reddit post, and scroll a little further to read the comments from the original post.
Here's the original post by a Reddit user who later deleted his account:

Op thinks it's unfair that his GF gets to live rent free while he's stuck with a roommate.

Here's how the Reddit community reacted to the user's post:

Op wants her to keep paying all that money just because he hates roommates.

Op's GF isn't going to live "rent free;" she will need to take care of her grandma.

Op's relationship is not going to last a lot.

Op's GF has every right to break up with him.

Op's GF should remove herself from the lease and his life.

A lease is a binding agreement.

Op is being childish by expecting that from his GF.

That is not the reaction you are supposed to have.

Op's GF should help him find a new roommate.

Op is losing a lot of things by behaving this way.

Op and his GF are both equally liable.

Having a roommate is not as bad as what Op wants to force his GF into.

Op's relationship is pretty much over.

"Signing a lease generally means you’re legally agreeing to be on the hook to pay rent until the lease is up and that’s a commitment she made."

Op should stop being selfish and get a roommate.

Op is not helping his girlfriend through the difficult period she's going through.

Op's girlfriend is going to be working hard regardless.

Op will eventually have to get a roommate.

Well, this is a difficult situation. Op is definitely the a-hole in this situation.
He is not helping his girlfriend's situation at all and is only making things more complicated for her. If you enjoyed reading this, make sure to check out similar content on our platform.
