50 People Who Took Halloween Costumes To a Whole New Level Of Awesomeness
They must've invested so much time and effort into their costumes!

Life is usually pretty boring, mot places have dress codes and even when they do not, it's not like you can dress up as Batman and just walk around without everyone suspecting that you are completely insane. If you are confident enough maybe you could pull it off but everyone will still think something's wrong with you if you do it enough times.
That is why the best time of the year is Halloween, it is one of the few times in the year where you can express yourself as you wish and impress people with your amazing costume-making skills. You could always buy a ready-to-wear costume, but it kind of takes some of the fun out of it, and most prebuilt costumes are either way too expensive or too inexpensive and cheap-looking.
That's why most people prefer to do it on their own so they can customize their costumes as they wish. The people in the photos below managed to pull off some of the coolest Halloween costumes either individually or as a complete group.
They invested a lot of time and effort into their costumes and got the attention and praise they deserve. Scroll down and check them out for yourself!
1. "Scooby Doo Halloween Family"

2. "Imagine Seeing Someone Wearing This On Halloween"
*Instantly starts to run like a crazy person*

3. Freddie Mercury Krueger

4. The Most Perfect Yet Creepiest Halloween Costume

5. "Entering A Costume Contest Next Weekend"

6. She really thought about every detail.

7. "My Medusa Build Using Foam Mats From The Dollar Store"

8. "Halloween Is Coming"

9. She even got the lights on it and everything

10. "Rosey The Robot From The Jetsons. Handmade Costume By My Roommate"

11. "A Krampus A Day Keeps The Xmas Away"

12. "Never Gonna Give You Up"

13. "My Very 2020 Halloween Costume. An N95 Fits Inside The Mask, And The Atomizer I’m Holding Is Filled With Hand Sanitizer"

14. "Happy Halloween From Zamunda To Queens"

15. "A Happy Belated Halloween From Our Artsy Family"

16. Adam's Family Halloween

17. "We Are Venom"

18. "My Halloween Costume: Mary Poppins! Been Working On It All Summer In Quarantine"

19. "After Getting Hit By A Car This Year, I Thought This Was The Only Appropriate Costume For Halloween"

20. "I Was A Victorian Ghost For Halloween"

21. "Was Told My Wife's Halloween Makeup Belonged Here"

22. "Covid Ruined My Halloween"

23. "My Wife Made Her Own How To Train Your Dragon Costume From Scratch For Halloween"

24. She has every right to be excited, it looks amazing!

25. "My Friends Airbender Halloween Costume"

26. Danny Devito's Penguin

27. "Put Me In Coach, Just Give Me A Chance"

28. "But Remember, We’re The Wet Bandits"

29. "A Local Bar Holds St. Patrick Swayze Day Every Year For His Birthday, Here Is My Costume"

30. Family Costume Halloween 2020

31. "I Decided To Dress Up As A Vampire For Halloween"


33. Vice Presidential Debate Fly

34. "Got A Little Groovy This Year As A Lava Lamp"

35. "Can’t believe we’re in October already. Who remembers when I pulled this prank on my brother 2 years ago 🤣."

36. "This Year I Decided To Be A Murderous Mermaid For Halloween! It Took Me About 4.5 Hours"

37. "My Friend Rae, Has Her Own Latex Company, This Is Her Handmade Costume This Year"

38. "I’ve Come To The Realization, Dressing Up As The Opposite Gender For Halloween Is Significantly Underrated"

39. "Thought I'd Share My Family's Halloween Costumes Pre-Covid. Sucks So Bad That Halloween Festivities In My Area Have Dwindled Even More"

40. "Post Malone For Halloween. Turned Out Better Than Anticipated"

41. "My 13-Year-Old Wanted To Be A Creepy Rabbit So I Made Him This"

42. "I Cannot For The Life Of Me Understand Why Small Children Take So Long To Grow Up. I Think They Do It Deliberately, Just To Annoy Me"

43. This guys absolutely nailed Sweeney Tod

44. "I'm Doing A Costume A Day For October. Today Is Day 1/31. Lumiere From Beauty And The Beast"

45. "I’m Up For Tenure Today And Figured This Was The Best Way To Put A Spell On My Admins. Fingers Crossed"

46. "My Doom Suit I Made For Halloween This Year"

47. Morticia And Gomez

48. "My Daughter's Bat Morph Suit"

49. "Happy Halloween From The Torrance Family"

50. "My Brother As 'The Dude' "

52. People love swiping, so his costume probably received a lot of attention
The creative side of the internet is pretty much the best category there is. It reminds you just how talented and imaginative some people really are. Halloween costume making is a field you could really prosper in if you happen to be a creative person with a lot of different ideas in your head.
The amount of detail in some of the costumes above is just amazing. It must've taken some of them a significant amount of time to get these costumes ready and looking as good as they ended up looking. They definitely deserve all the attention they're getting.