50 Examples Of Unpopular Opinions That Redditors Shared, Instigating Intense Debates

This Instagram shares unpopular opinions from a large subreddit and we love finding them all in one place.

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50 Examples Of Unpopular Opinions That Redditors Shared, Instigating Intense Debates

Opinions are something that we all have and they definitely can either bring people together or possibly separate them. Opinions are what make us who we are and they really shape what we believe, what we do, and how we act.

It helps to express our personality and encourage creative thinking and personal views. Opinions can be as simple as whether or not you like pineapple on your pizza or it can go as deep as whether you believe in aliens or not.

Either way, opinions are something that shapes us and it's extremely interesting hearing about people's different opinions. Sometimes these opinions are not very popular though, or it might seem like you're the only one who thinks these things.

Unpopular opinions create diversity and it shows that people can like whatever they like without having mountains of people agreeing with them. There is an Instagram account that compiles tons of unpopular opinions from people on Reddit and we are here to share some of the best ones.

We've grabbed 50 of the best unpopular opinions that were shown on this infamous Instagram account to show you on this post. Let's dive into these unpopular opinions to see exactly how many we agree with.

1. This may have just given me an idea.

1. This may have just given me an idea.r_unpopular.opinion

2. This is true and it's also why these small businesses have a harder come up and the big corporations stay at the top.

2. This is true and it's also why these small businesses have a harder come up and the big corporations stay at the top.r_unpopular.opinion

3. Believe it or not, YouTube doesn't place the ads, the creator can choose how many ads they want, where they go, and if they are skippable or not.

3. Believe it or not, YouTube doesn't place the ads, the creator can choose how many ads they want, where they go, and if they are skippable or not.r_unpopular.opinion

4. I think it's one thing to talk about where you are from and where your family bloodline is from.

4. I think it's one thing to talk about where you are from and where your family bloodline is from.r_unpopular.opinion

5. This is true too.

5. This is true too.r_unpopular.opinion

6. I've never thought of this, but definitely a good idea.

6. I've never thought of this, but definitely a good idea.r_unpopular.opinion

7. People just need to have a true bond with a cat.

7. People just need to have a true bond with a cat.r_unpopular.opinion

8. I mean, I'd be happy too if I caught it and definitely wouldn't want to give it up.

8. I mean, I'd be happy too if I caught it and definitely wouldn't want to give it up.r_unpopular.opinion

9. Yes I totally agree with this.

9. Yes I totally agree with this.r_unpopular.opinion

10. This is just the internet collecting your information.

10. This is just the internet collecting your information.r_unpopular.opinion

11. Balance is something that everyone should strive for.

11. Balance is something that everyone should strive for.r_unpopular.opinion

12. People do care so tell your story.

12. People do care so tell your story.r_unpopular.opinion

13. I think most of us love when people laugh and we love to laugh.

13. I think most of us love when people laugh and we love to laugh.r_unpopular.opinion

14. This is how I feel as a customer, but I have been forced to greet customers in many service jobs that I've worked.

14. This is how I feel as a customer, but I have been forced to greet customers in many service jobs that I've worked.r_unpopular.opinion

15. We aren't ready for a lot of things that are happening.

15. We aren't ready for a lot of things that are happening.r_unpopular.opinion

16. You can wear your clothing however many days you'd like.

16. You can wear your clothing however many days you'd like.r_unpopular.opinion

17. Driving crazy does not mean you are a good driver.

17. Driving crazy does not mean you are a good driver.r_unpopular.opinion

18. The bigger issue is that people need to stop breeding dogs to be "specific ways."

18. The bigger issue is that people need to stop breeding dogs to be r_unpopular.opinion

19. Maybe I just don't feel like working out.

19. Maybe I just don't feel like working out.r_unpopular.opinion

20. If you have a pet then they are part of your family and are allowed to enjoy aspects of what that means.

20. If you have a pet then they are part of your family and are allowed to enjoy aspects of what that means.r_unpopular.opinion

21. Just because these people are "celebrities" doesn't mean their life is just open to everyone.

21. Just because these people are r_unpopular.opinion

22. Listen to this ladies and gentlemen!

22. Listen to this ladies and gentlemen!r_unpopular.opinion

23. This is actually a pretty fair opinion.

23. This is actually a pretty fair opinion.r_unpopular.opinion

24. Women should be allowed to be bare faced.

24. Women should be allowed to be bare faced.r_unpopular.opinion

25. Men should be able to take birth control for both the woman's sake but also so that men can feel protected if necessary.

25. Men should be able to take birth control for both the woman's sake but also so that men can feel protected if necessary.r_unpopular.opinion

26. I'm an app addict so I don't know.

26. I'm an app addict so I don't know.r_unpopular.opinion

27. I've always said this. I don't care about walking, because you won't feel the difference anyway.

27. I've always said this. I don't care about walking, because you won't feel the difference anyway.r_unpopular.opinion

28. Do what works best in your relationship.

28. Do what works best in your relationship.r_unpopular.opinion

29. Many things have brainwashed us to believe things that aren't true of appearances and aging.

29. Many things have brainwashed us to believe things that aren't true of appearances and aging.r_unpopular.opinion

30. This is an opinion I've heard a lot.

30. This is an opinion I've heard a lot.r_unpopular.opinion

31. Respect everyone's time.

31. Respect everyone's time.r_unpopular.opinion

32. Reddit isn't always a child safe space.

32. Reddit isn't always a child safe space.r_unpopular.opinion

33. They need more respect and they actually make more money than you'd think.

33. They need more respect and they actually make more money than you'd think.r_unpopular.opinion

34. This is definitely an unpopular opinion, but I agree with it.

34. This is definitely an unpopular opinion, but I agree with it.r_unpopular.opinion

35. What's your opinion on this?

35. What's your opinion on this?r_unpopular.opinion

36. I don't think that this is an unpopular opinion because many people do this for these reasons.

36. I don't think that this is an unpopular opinion because many people do this for these reasons.r_unpopular.opinion

37. Everything is trying to be touch screen now.

37. Everything is trying to be touch screen now.r_unpopular.opinion

38. America is huge on advertising drinking and pharmaceuticals and I don't think either of them should be advertised to anyone.

38. America is huge on advertising drinking and pharmaceuticals and I don't think either of them should be advertised to anyone.r_unpopular.opinion

39. Teachers should have no control over when anyone can go to the bathroom.

39. Teachers should have no control over when anyone can go to the bathroom.r_unpopular.opinion

40. This would hold kids back either way.

40. This would hold kids back either way.r_unpopular.opinion

41. I completely agree with this especially because these top employers probably do worse.

41. I completely agree with this especially because these top employers probably do worse.r_unpopular.opinion

42. I think this depends on the context.

42. I think this depends on the context.r_unpopular.opinion

43. I think that you shouldn't have to ask to see their phone and if you are asking to snoop then there is already an issue.

43. I think that you shouldn't have to ask to see their phone and if you are asking to snoop then there is already an issue.r_unpopular.opinion

44. Not everyone has to go to college and pushing it onto them is causing a lot of stress.

44. Not everyone has to go to college and pushing it onto them is causing a lot of stress.r_unpopular.opinion

45. A lot of lower waged jobs should be higher based on the work or intelligence needed for it.

45. A lot of lower waged jobs should be higher based on the work or intelligence needed for it.r_unpopular.opinion

46. People should have access to all healthcare whether that be mental or physical, but mental healthcare uses much less resources.

46. People should have access to all healthcare whether that be mental or physical, but mental healthcare uses much less resources.r_unpopular.opinion

47. If we go for one extreme then why not go to all extremes?

47. If we go for one extreme then why not go to all extremes?r_unpopular.opinion

48. This would eliminate wasted time on the applicant.

48. This would eliminate wasted time on the applicant.r_unpopular.opinion

49. This is an interesting perspective.

49. This is an interesting perspective.r_unpopular.opinion

50. Eat food how you want to eat it. there are no rules.

50. Eat food how you want to eat it. there are no rules.r_unpopular.opinion

Some of these unpopular opinions are very surprising while others are easy to agree with. Either way, these opinions definitely gave us some ideas or made us think a little bit.

A lot of us do have unpopular opinions that maybe we don't even know are unpopular opinions. Do you have any unpopular opinions that you could share?
