10+ Epic And Hysterical Disney Memes Because You're A True Fan
Only the truest of Disney addicts will appreciate this humor. Are you one of them?

In my experience, when you love Disney (which surely you do if you're here today) then just about everything in your life can and probably will incorporate Disney into it. We don't just watch Disney movies, no. We go to theme parks. We wear costumes. We wear normal t-shirts but with Disney characters (or phrases and even simply undeniably Disney themes.)
We have Disney jewelry, Disney shoes, Disney flatware... I mean you name it and you can find it Disney-fied. It's amazing, isn't it? Disney has really brought that level of magic into the lives of millions, or billions even!
Of course with everything else in the world, the Internet got a hold of Disney, too and that means one thing: memes. Yep, gotta love 'em! And trust this, if you love Disney then you're definitely going to love these Disney memes.




















21. Prince Eric
He didn't always think things through.

22. Tiger Goals
Priorities, man. Tiger man. Call me.

23. Giggles everywhere.
Now the real question is do all of the names fit the personalities? You decide.

24. Taco Belle
Elegant and crunchy.

25. "Body Language."
Just wiggle your bosom at the man whose heart you wish to captivate.

26. Well...
That got dark fast.

27. Ladies
In and out.

28. I'm sorry about this
You will never hear the song the same way again. Ever.

29. Dating Goals Be Like:
The same as the Chinese Military.

30. Que evil plotting
I mean what kid doesn't want to get revenge on Sid for what he put the toys through? Wink-wink.

31. The key to true romance
Sick dance moves, duh.

32. Second Base
Sometimes, do you wonder... if the Internet has too much time on its hands? I do.

33. A new way to appreciate a classic
Insert Pokemon.

34. The great, lingering question
We demand answers.

35. It's not a phase
It's a lifestyle.

36. ...Oh
Well, then.. uh...

37. THIS
Especially as an adult, I hate cleaning. Ugh.

38. He earned it.
At the very least.

39. "Everything"
It's a subjective word.

40. Life Lessons with Disney
Because if the stranger is hot, he may be a prince!

41. Disney Logic
It's... not very logical.

42. Disney:
Creating monsters out Frozen fans.

43. Damn, Belle.
You're cold as ice.

44. Sorry, not sorry.
If I have to hate this, so do you.

45. We all love different things
Some of us love hairy men, others love books.

46. Oh. My. God.
Honestly, Cinderella.

47. It's beautiful!
I love when life imitates art.

48. A worthy crossover
I'd love to see Mulan and crew take down Prince Hans.

49. Accurate ASF
The accuracy... it hurts.

50. Disney
Not just for children... the movies are for everyone!

51. This raises one question:
Is everyone who loves the color lime evil??

52. Logic
Teenagers and Disney are lacking in it, am I right?

53. Let it go?

54. Uh...
Excuse me, can I trust my children?

The most important insult in the Disney universe.

56. Epic proportions
Will Disney ever top this joke? Doubtful.

57. Growing up sucks!
Because I miss the days of thinking 16 = adult.

58. I am Alice.
Alice is me.

59. We understand the confusion.
I mean, who the heck else would it be, Belle?!

60. We need to know her secrets.
For scientific purposes.

Good Guy Hades
He's on our side.

62. Irresistible
I dare you not to start singing along... yes, to the meme.

63. Punny
Get it? Get it? HA.

64. So much concern in one little glance.
That's the good ol' adult humor Disney likes to throw in for the parents. Subtle. Hilarious. Win.

65. Disney Logic
Where is it at?

66. Books = Life
What a nerdy girl won't do for a killer library...

67. Realistically...
The only thing that really changed about Cinderella was her clothes and hairstyle. She couldn't have been THAT different...

68. Smee!
Smee is just one of the girls.

69. True Love
Icy style.

70. BFF's
Everyone loves someone.

71. GASP!
Mind = Blown

72. What is this treasure?
Incredible, that's what. Don't you wish you could stare with child-like wonderment at a freaking fork??

73. Hypothetically...
I mean, why didn't he suggest this? Because he wanted to break the spell, too. DUH.

74. Well, I don't know about that.
She didn't know what a fork was, why would she know what a pen is or how to write Eric's language, or any language?

75. Flynn Ryder
The only prince we should really pine after.

76. I've got one thing to say:
I did NOT need to think about that. Thanks.

77. True Love
It takes two days, not one.

78. I mean, I'd go...
In a heartbeat.

79. Relatable Content
I mean, this is about as accurate as it gets.

Know what I'm sayin'? Wink-wink.

81. Well
This was devastating.

82. Nipples = Trust

83. Life Lessons with Tangled
What have we been teaching our children?

84. John Smith:
He was at least a little epic in the movie.

85. And in the Hair Olympics
Beast even has Gaston beat there.

86. Here's a joke worthy of your chuckles.
I promise.

87. And women everywhere will say:

88. Disney loves orphans
But we didn't realize it until this meme, to be honest.

89. That Snap Back
Cinderella is the boss.

90. Snow White:
I guess she likes to clean?

91. Evil, Comedic Genius
We love it

92. She want's true love's kiss, not this weak crap.
I guess.
