50 Times People Gave The Most Amazing Comebacks Ever, Which Landed Them A Spot On The "Clever Comebacks" Twitter Page

The best comebacks are always one step ahead!

  • Published in Funny
50 Times People Gave The Most Amazing Comebacks Ever, Which Landed Them A Spot On The "Clever Comebacks" Twitter Page

A comeback can be said to be a swift response to a critical comment that essentially silences the critic right away. The best comebacks are always one step ahead when it comes to making amends, standing up for the wronged, and making that amusing snap for onlookers.

And because getting a funny and witty clapback in real life isn't very common, we turn to the internet—specifically, this Twitter page—to learn how to respond angrily. The "Clever Comebacks" page is actively sharing what its name promises, and based on its more than 75k followers, it appears to be doing a respectable job. 

Making sure a reply doesn't come across as harsh is one of the hardest things to do. However, a comeback is always different from a clapback.

The latter one is usually sarcastic, although among friends, a clapback could be enjoyable. The situation's context, however, is always important.

A good comeback doesn't need to be overly humble, but if it may help others, the task is accomplished. The relationship that says, "We are in this together," is strengthened when it works well and makes the speaker laugh.

Even while comebacks are a great communication tool, listening skills are more crucial. So we've gathered a bunch of skillful but funny comebacks from this twitter page and you can check them all out below.

1. They are really very observant

1. They are really very observantClever Comebacks

2. Do you work at Olive Garden?

2. Do you work at Olive Garden?Clever Comebacks

3. Wasn't expecting that

3. Wasn't expecting thatClever Comebacks

4. Rome had good roads

4. Rome had good roadsClever Comebacks

5. It's the names for me

5. It's the names for meClever Comebacks

6. A clown is approaching

6. A clown is approachingClever Comebacks

7. Wanna sue an eight year old?

7. Wanna sue an eight year old?Clever Comebacks

8. You got to get that degree

8. You got to get that degreeClever Comebacks

9. Are you a fast walker?

9. Are you a fast walker?Clever Comebacks

10. The cancel culture

10. The cancel cultureClever Comebacks

11. Oh well...

11. Oh well...Clever Comebacks

12. The shortest horror story ever

12. The shortest horror story everClever Comebacks

13. The reply got me though

13. The reply got me thoughClever Comebacks

14. Reading tweets to know who's what

14. Reading tweets to know who's whatClever Comebacks

15. The keypad warriors are at it again

15. The keypad warriors are at it againClever Comebacks

16. That question is the sign

16. That question is the signClever Comebacks

17. You guys just met

17. You guys just metClever Comebacks

18. They didn't do anything

18. They didn't do anythingClever Comebacks

19. It's atheists who do that

19. It's atheists who do thatClever Comebacks

20. Playing the same sport that you're incompetent at

20. Playing the same sport that you're incompetent atClever Comebacks

21. My last name is literally Best

21. My last name is literally Bestemilybest

22. Stop teaching adults how to behave around us

22. Stop teaching adults how to behave around usClever Comebacks

23. Here are a few questions for you to think about

23. Here are a few questions for you to think aboutClever Comebacks

24. You've put it there yourself

24. You've put it there yourselfClever Comebacks

25. You got a driver's license right?

25. You got a driver's license right?Clever Comebacks

26. Keep engineers away from suicide

26. Keep engineers away from suicideClever Comebacks

27. We're disabled not werewolves

27. We're disabled not werewolvesClever Comebacks

28. Playing with the cheat codes enabled

28. Playing with the cheat codes enabledClever Comebacks

29. Checking their hands

29. Checking their handsClever Comebacks

30. Not being dressed

30. Not being dressedClever Comebacks

31. Check out this uber facts

31. Check out this uber factsClever Comebacks

32. The most American thing ever

32. The most American thing everClever Comebacks

33. People generally getting along with you

33. People generally getting along with youClever Comebacks

34. You must have thought him a valuable lesson

34. You must have thought him a valuable lessonClever Comebacks

35. This commenter fixed the headline

35. This commenter fixed the headlineClever Comebacks

36. It's called social distancing

36. It's called social distancingClever Comebacks

37. What did you think he was raging against?

37. What did you think he was raging against?Clever Comebacks

38. Having members all over the globe

38. Having members all over the globeClever Comebacks

39. Oh my goodness!

39. Oh my goodness!Clever Comebacks

40. Exactly the point

40. Exactly the pointClever Comebacks

41. A really nice try

41. A really nice tryClever Comebacks

42. The last thing the world wants

42. The last thing the world wantsRobbySlowik

43. What do you pledge?

43. What do you pledge?andrwfhenderson

44. If you're repelled by it, then it's working

44. If you're repelled by it, then it's workingClever Comebacks

45. When it becomes less impressive

45. When it becomes less impressivemeghamohan

46. What really is the alternative?

46. What really is the alternative?Clever Comebacks

47. Who's wasting their lives now???

47. Who's wasting their lives now???Clever Comebacks

48. The accurate headline should be

48. The accurate headline should beClever Comebacks

49. Getting to leave the country often

49. Getting to leave the country oftenClever Comebacks

50. A good argument to maintain the system

50. A good argument to maintain the systemClever Comebacks

You can say that a successful comeback looks like a piece of art. Everyone who saw it would remember it since it was quick, unrepentant, and memorable.

Have you given a good comeback or seen one before? Leave your thoughts about this post in the comments below and share with your loved ones as well.
