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These 25 Warzone memes are guaranteed to lighten your day.
Since its release in March 2020, Call of Duty: Warzone has made its way onto many screens worldwide. Enticing us with its broad spectrum of new weapons and skins to choose from to its satisfying gameplay, sparking players to think of strategic plans to move their teams through the game's terrain.
With all the attention the game has gotten, it is no surprise that tons of pictures, videos, and gifs are circulating the internet. Still, perhaps the most amusing is the hilariously relatable memes that have been shared across social media. These 25 Warzone memes are guaranteed to lighten your day.
What are CoD Warzone Memes?
These images show the struggles and the fun players have with the game. Below are just a few of the many spreading around but among the funniest!
Getting excellent skills and being in sync with your team can come crashing down the moment you do. So don't forget that fall damage from above 13 metres can prove fatal!
During the lockdown, some chose to focus on learning new things. In contrast, others decided to improve a different skill set.
This option allows you to spectate your friends and give them a heads up. The best part is you don't have to die to use this feature.
This glitch in Call of Duty 3 launches the enemy across the map. Often landing unscathed and near the home base.
Confidence is vital in games like Warzone. But, unfortunately, players find themselves camping out and waiting for the enemy to come to them more times than not.
Games like Warzone allow gamers to detach from the daily grind. No wonder so many become pros. This can prove challenging for newcomers.
The Gulag allows a team member to give a heads up when danger is near. Players can also repurchase the lives of their fallen comrades.
The Gulag offers an opportunity to fight for your life back. To die twice is definitely not a proud moment.
The Gulag offers an opportunity to fight for your life back. To die twice is definitely not a proud moment.
Many gamers rushed to purchase COD Modern Warfare. Soon smiles turned to frowns after learning Warzone is free.
Many players are opting for more funny game names. This guy can be grateful there are no pencils in the Warzone.
Players were given a chance to buy a warzone Tamagotchi watch. However, despite others focusing on the game, many still prioritised watching.
It's no secret that Warzone has trumped over previously favoured games. Leaving the rest in the dirt.
Technology has come a long way and is forever evolving. So it's quite a shock to think about what kids will be playing in the future.
A killstreak of 7 allows the squad to acquire a helicopter. Again, serving as a significant advantage.
Help from above can aid squads but only from a killstreak of four. So unlocking this can be highly beneficial for players..
A highly frustrating part of online gaming is sometimes the ping, which can cause the game to lag.
Choosing to play with random players can be a challenge. Choosing between reviving a stranger or putting your character first becomes tricky.
There is, unfortunately, quite a heavy price on self reviving. Good thing teammates can help. Only this can become quite annoying being constantly asked.
Developers are constantly tweaking. It's thrilling to hear about a new aspect. The only problem is that the files are usually quite large.
Gamings has become a well-known form of entertainment for many people. However, new attributes and add ons can cost a pretty penny with the platform evolving.
Make sure that you can trust your teammates' calls.
Waiting for the ring to close in can be a daunting task. Making matters worse is dying before Doomsday arrives.
It is no secret that most squads have that one team member with a bad habit of costing money.
The release of a new game can ensure that die-hard fans will be preoccupied and shutting out the outside world.