20+ Heartwarming Before And After Photos Of Rescued Dogs

Behold the power of love.

  • Published in Animals
20+ Heartwarming Before And After Photos Of Rescued Dogs

There are hundreds of thousands of shelter animals waiting to be adopted. Luckily, many of them find loving homes.

More and more people decide on adopting instead of buying from the breeders. It's a big responsibility for most of us to rescue a pet, yet it's the best thing that can happen to a shelter animal.

Photos of family dogs before and after they were rescued are being shared by happy owners from all around the world to demonstrate the transformative power of a loving home. In order to dispel any questions about whether it is worthwhile to adopt a dog from a shelter, we have chosen to create a list of these touching dog adoption pictures.

These dogs discovered happiness in their new dog rescuers' homes and can't hide their emotions. You can see how sad and confused faces turn into smiling ones.

And these dogs have every reason to be happy. They've found their loving forever homes and their torments are over.

Sadly, there are many dogs (and cats) out there just waiting to be adopted. We hope this post will inspire you to go to a shelter and adopt one.

This is your chance to be someone's hero. And you don't need a cape.

1. "My southern girl Shelby at the rescue..."

1. u/oh_hi_there___

"...and two years later"


2. "The day she arrived from the shelter nervous, skinny and stinky to a year later ??"

2. u/Effective-Tour-1248

3. "My sweet Sundae"

3. u/Notfriendswithsalad

Look at her now:

Look at her now:u/Notfriendswithsalad

4. "My sweet girl Bella the day I got her..."

4. u/SpookyGrowly

"... and her now!"


5. "Newly adopted..."

5. u/RenfieldOnRealityTv

"...vs more recently (3lb weight loss)"


6. "Sprocket - 1 year gotcha day comparison!"

6. u/BuguyaBriarLeigh

7. "And here she’s is….Lola… when she was first rescued and placed with a foster.

7. u/VerFree

Lola now:

Lola now:u/VerFree

8. "My dog Bella. From when I adopted her 4 years ago - malnourished, had worms, skin disease, etc… to now!"

8. u/GlitteringTycoon

9. "4 years in a puppy mill crate vs after 3 years of love & nutrition."

9. u/pogostix615

Amazing change:

Amazing change:u/pogostix615

10. "Took a chance on a rescue puppy, and almost 4 weeks later Gunner is thriving (with an bonus: his brother, Buddy). Puppyhood has been challenging but I wouldn’t have it any other way!"

10. u/seare825

Look at him now:

Look at him now:u/seare825

11. "Rudi 4 years ago & now??"

11. u/Clear_Water7196

Just look:

Just look:u/Clear_Water7196

12. "Walter adjusted pretty well"

12. u/alileigh13

Happy and thriving

Happy and thrivingu/alileigh13

13. Meet River:

13. Meet River:u/Knitchick82

River now:

River now:u/Knitchick82

You are thinking of adopting a stray animal right here and now, aren’t you? And we can’t blame you.

These photos perfectly demonstrate what proper care and love can do. However, a decision about adoption shouldn’t be based only on emotions.

We all want to save all animals, don’t we? But our abilities and circumstances might not allow it.

Owning a pet is a responsibility, and if you are not ready to commit, maybe you should wait a while. You have your school, job, friends, family, and whatnot.

And your dog has only you. If you can’t find time for a pet, maybe you should wait a while until things get sorted out.

Only that way you and your pet can create that wonderful bond.
