Artist Reimagines Baymax As Other Disney Characters, And To No One's Surprise, He Is Still The Cutest

It is virtually impossible for Baymax to be anything other than cute, no matter what he's dressed up as.

  • Published in Disney
Artist Reimagines Baymax As Other Disney Characters, And To No One's Surprise, He Is Still The Cutest

There’s no arguing that Disney continues to dominate the entertainment field for children and families with their vast array of shows, movies, and enchanting characters. From humans to animals and even robots, we love what Disney serves us.

When Big Hero 6 was released, everyone was obsessed with Baymax, the inflatable computerized robot meant to serve as a personal healthcare companion. With his soothing, soft-spoken robot voice, big marshmallow-shaped body, and programming meant for helping and healing, it was hard not to love Baymax.

One self-taught illustrator from Scotland was captivated by Baymax and how wholesome and perfectly squishable he is. Demetria Skye (who also goes by DeeeSkye), now greatly inspired, followed her imagination and created a cosplaying Baymax.

Skye’s Baymax loves to cosplay, and nails dozens of Disney characters, including several princesses, princes, and even Mickey and Minnie. She even included some Disney characters alongside Baymax, such as Anna from Frozen, and Kida from Atlantis: The Lost Empire.

DeeeSkye uses various types of pens and pencils with her drawings, which make each piece of art delightfully eye-catching. The vibrance of each drawing sparks a bit of reminiscent childhood excitement.

And while designing Baymax as other Disney characters (which is easily an endless supply of inspiration), Skye doesn’t limit this series to just Disney. She has broadened Baymax’s cosplaying horizons and includes Marvel superheroes, Mario, Pokémon, Dexter’s Laboratory, and more.

Keep scrolling to see Baymax and his cosplay creations!

1. Baymax as Donald Duck

1. Baymax as Donald Duckdeeeskye

2. Baymax with Anna

2. Baymax with Annadeeeskye

3. Baymax as Dopey with Snow White

3. Baymax as Dopey with Snow Whitedeeeskye

4. Baymax as Rapunzel

4. Baymax as Rapunzeldeeeskye

5. Baymax as Kida with Kida

5. Baymax as Kida with Kidadeeeskye

6. Baymax as Sorcerer Mickey

6. Baymax as Sorcerer Mickeydeeeskye

7. Baymax as Snow White

7. Baymax as Snow Whitedeeeskye

8. Baymax as Triton with Ariel

8. Baymax as Triton with Arieldeeeskye

9. Baymax as Genie

9. Baymax as Geniedeeeskye

10. Baymax with Ariel

10. Baymax with Ariel deeeskye

11. Baymax as Prince Naveen with Princess Tiana

11. Baymax as Prince Naveen with Princess Tianadeeeskye

12. Baymax as Malificent

12. Baymax as Malificentdeeeskye

13. Baymax as Alice

13. Baymax as Alicedeeeskye

14. Baymax with Lilo

14. Baymax with Lilodeeeskye

15. Baymax as The Mad Hatter

15. Baymax as The Mad Hatterdeeeskye

16. Baymax as Stitch

16. Baymax as Stitchdeeeskye

17. Baymax as Prince Charming with Cinderella

17. Baymax as Prince Charming with Cinderella deeeskye

18. Baymax as Wreck-it-Ralph

18. Baymax as Wreck-it-Ralphdeeeskye

19. Baymax as Buzz Lightyear

19. Baymax as Buzz Lightyeardeeeskye

20. Baymax with Merida

20. Baymax with Meridadeeeskye

21. Baymax as Minnie Mouse

21. Baymax as Minnie Mousedeeeskye

22. Baymax as Elsa

22. Baymax as Elsadeeeskye

23. Baymax with Rapunzel

23. Baymax with Rapunzel

24. Baymax with Lottie

24. Baymax with Lottiedeeeskye

25. Baymax as Pinocchio

25. Baymax as Pinocchiodeeeskye

26. Baymax with Fredzilla

26. Baymax with Fredzilladeeeskye

27. Baymax as Aladdin with Jasmine

27. Baymax as Aladdin with Jasminedeeeskye

28. Baymax as Boo, with Boo!

28. Baymax as Boo, with Boo!deeeskye

29. Baymax with balloons inspired by 'Up'

29. Baymax with balloons inspired by 'Up'deeeskye

30. Baymax as various Disney characters

30. Baymax as various Disney charactersdeeeskye

She didn't just stick to Disney characters, either:

deeeskye also reimagined Baymax as other popular cartoon characters.

31. Baymax as Dracula

31. Baymax as Draculadeeeskye

32. Baymax as Mario with Princess Peach

32. Baymax as Mario with Princess Peachdeeeskye

33. Baymax as Ash Ketchum with Pikachu

33. Baymax as Ash Ketchum with Pikachudeeeskye

34. Baymax as DeeDee with Dexter

34. Baymax as DeeDee with Dexterdeeeskye

35. Baymax as Hiccup with Toothless

35. Baymax as Hiccup with Toothlessdeeeskye

36. Baymax as The Avengers

36. Baymax as The Avengersdeeeskye

37. Baymax with Eep

37. Baymax with Eepdeeeskye

Which Baymax combo was your favorite? There’s something about Baymax as Genie that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside, they both just want to do the best that they can with their abilities, right?

Let us know what you think in the comments, and be sure to share this with your fellow Baymax and Disney lovers!
