13 Starbucks Baristas Tell The Stories Of Their Most Obnoxious Customers

Man hospitality jobs are the worst sometimes!

  • Published in Funny
13 Starbucks Baristas Tell The Stories Of Their Most Obnoxious Customers

Starbucks baristas get a bad rap.  

They seem to always be on the hook for spelling people's names wrong. But honestly, after these stories below I would be spelling people's names wrong too if only for my own desperate attempt at pettiness.  Once you read the orders that some people are asking for at Starbucks you will be shocked at how people live drinking that many pumps of pumpkin syrup. Or why they need 15 pumps of sugary syrup and then add Sweet N' Lows. It's honestly shocking, but so is $6 coffee so there's that. 

Take a look below and prepare yourself. 

This poor person's teeth!

This poor person's teeth!BF

OKay, the no tip is too far.

15,000 pumps of sugar plus 5 splendas please! ....Uhhhhhhh

This is one intense dedication to the PSL

This is one intense dedication to the PSLBF

I mean it looks pretty!

That's 20 pumps of syrup in case you were counting...

That's 20 pumps of syrup in case you were counting...BF

Are you trying to induce a heart attack or?

Are you trying to induce a heart attack or?BF

No whip? Really?

No whip? Really?BF

Sugar with a side of tea

Sugar with a side of teaBF

I mean this sounds good with maybe going halfsies on the raspberry syrup.

I mean this sounds good with maybe going halfsies on the raspberry syrup.BF

.....how much did those 17 shots cost?!

Scott, take it down a notch!

*clutches stomach*