Man Surprises Lazy Dog Owners Next Door With A Bag Of Their Dog's Poop

Picking up after your dog is literally Dog 101

Man Surprises Lazy Dog Owners Next Door With A Bag Of Their Dog's Poop

We’ve touched on the standard expectations for dog owners before, especially around picking up after Fido when they poop. Not only is it common decency, but it’s also downright rude not to.

Not only can dog excrement be harmful to the environment, but it can also negatively impact human health. Dog waste doesn’t decompose and all is said and done, instead, all the bacteria and nutrients can end up leeching into local waterways.

Not to mention, there are diseases that can be transmitted from dog poop to humans through contact with the soil. Picking up after your dog extends much further than just being a considerate pet owner.

So, what happens if you find yourself living next door to someone who not only neglects to pick up after their pooch but also allows them to roam freely with little to no supervision? One Redditor found themselves in such a situation and came up with a simple and ingenious way to handle it.

User FriskeCrisps turned to Reddit’s famous AITA community to double-check their handling of the poop their neighbor's dog leaves in their yard. After multiple instances, FriskeCrisps decided to deliver a very clear message.

They bagged up several piles of poop and brought them directly to their neighbor. And while that should have been the end of the story, it wasn’t.

Keep scrolling to read the full story and how Reddit ultimately rated FrsikeCrisps on the A-hole scale. 

OP starts with a bit of background

Setting the scene a bit, OP explains that their neighbors got a dog a few years ago and while initially, they had no issues, this last year brought some troubles. However, the neighbors stopped actively taking their dog out and started letting it roam free.

OP starts with a bit of backgroundFriskeCrisps

While mowing the lawn one day, OP came across three piles of poop

Fed up, they bagged up the poops and hand-delivered it to the neighbor-husband, reminding him to clean up after their dog, and assumed that was that.

While mowing the lawn one day, OP came across three piles of poopFriskeCrisps

Except of course it wasn't as simply resolved as that

A week after the return of the poop, OP gets stopped by the neighbor-wife. She tells OP that she felt offended that OP didn't just talk to them first, explaining that their household is hectic with their children and that sometimes they just forget to secure their dog appropriately.

The interaction left OP confused as to whether or not they had made an A-hole move.

Except of course it wasn't as simply resolved as thatFriskeCrisps

Literally everyone assured OP they weren't in the wrong

Literally everyone assured OP they weren't in the wrongProud-Marketing7431

Not bad

Not badgiphy

"Gifts" are always returnable


Returning to sender

Returning to sendertenor

Picking up after a dog is common decency

Picking up after a dog is common decencyBlueCanuck96

OP isn't alone in their neighborly dog-poop grievances

OP isn't alone in their neighborly dog-poop grievancesExtremeCauliflower91



Bad dog owners suck

Bad dog owners suckHeartpineFloors

Others suggested different means of getting their point across

Others suggested different means of getting their point across80Katz

Yes, it would be...

Yes, it would be...tenor

Little confidence in the neighbors actually doing anything different if OP were to have talked to them first

Little confidence in the neighbors actually doing anything different if OP were to have talked to them firstsolitarybydesign

Not bad

Not badtenor

Literally this

Literally thisAllthelostcauses



Petty, but not an A-hole

Petty, but not an A-holeInteresting-Month-56

Petty retaliation

Petty retaliationgiphy

They perfectly point out the neighbor's hypocrisy

They perfectly point out the neighbor's hypocrisyBeeYehWoo



What do you think you might have done in the same situation? Would you have attempted to talk to your neighbors first, or do you like how OP handled the issue? We all try to rise above the situation but it is so hard sometimes.

Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below, and if you’re a dog owner, be sure you’re picking up after your pooch!
