30 People Share Horrible And Hilarious Tattoos

Something, somewhere, went horribly wrong...

  • Published in Funny
30 People Share Horrible And Hilarious Tattoos

We all face regret at some point in our lives, and nothing brings it on like a lousy tattoo. Many Americans have a tattoo, and we bet that a large percentage of these human canvases may decide to have their hilarious and regrettable ink erased.

There must be at least two bad tattoos for every excellent one. It turns out that there is a subreddit called "Bad Tattoos" that is full of the worst tattoos ever put on a human body.

You can't help but feel sorry for the people who have to "wear" them, whether we're talking about tacky concepts or phrases that appear to have been written by a two-year-old. Most of us take our time selecting the design, talking with the tattoo artist, and selecting the ideal location for our body art before getting a tattoo.

A genuinely regretful tattoo is what happens when the less fortunate individuals get drunk and locate a guitar string and some fountain pen ink. A terrible tattoo can result from a variety of circumstances.

Of course, the execution might go horribly wrong, but there are times when the concept and idea are bad ideas in and of themselves, even though the tattoo is finished neatly and professionally.

1. "Some Guy Tried To Copy My Tattoo Artist's Work - Nipple Tattooed On His Arm"

1. samusxmetroid

2. This is scary

2. This is scarythrockmorton_

3. It looks exactly the same

3. It looks exactly the samejohnnyhumanseeds

4. "What Angle Do You Want The Plane From?" "All Of Them"

4. MarkusAk

5. Something is not right here

5. Something is not right hereReal_Clever_Username

6. "O No! Can You Remove That S?" "Say No More, Fam"

6. bobby2286

7. "Friend Bought A Tattoo Gun On Amazon For £100. Tattooed Darth Vader On Himself"

7. reddit.com

8. "Friend On Facebook Seems Proud Of This Gem"

8. coreyjuliette

9. Eye-Catching

9. Eye-Catchingkittenshateme

10. "Dude Sure Loves His Turtle"

10. Clever_mudblood

11. "That’s too expensive, I have a friend that can do it for less"

11. kingneeko

12. Never lose hoop

12. Never lose hoopEDJE666

13. Concept vs. final piece

13. Concept vs. final pieceibboRftw

14. Now, you little devil...

14. Now, you little devil...multipleklarts

15. "It’s supposed to be a galaxy"

15. blahblahblahokay

16. "It looks like a lawsuit"

16. FoxFreeze

17. "Christopher Walken or Steve Buscemi? And why is he green?"

17.  SydWashedBrain

18. Ting Baby

18. Ting BabyMindlessJamiroca

19. "A buddy of mine has a friend who gave himself this in 8th grade"

19. shad0w2323

20. No pen-no gain

20. No pen-no gainSublime-

21. "Joney Cesh"

21. AintAintAWord

22. "Facebook delivered. Originally thought the “talons” were fidget spinners."

22. arwynn

23. "The Incredible Hulk - his face gets me every time"

23. mxdj

24. "Some terrible anatomy. Where are his feet?"

24. Sylvi2021

25. "How? Why?"

25. cooljesus69

26. "Tweakerbell"

26. aback5

27. "I Saw This On My Facebook Feed"

27. aquasun666

28. Three important rules:

28. Three important rules:gablerr

29. "My roommate argued with me when I laughed; am I wrong?"

29. Trailer_Trash94

30. Hey, whatever works for you...

30. Hey, whatever works for you...paperrchain

The first step in getting a tattoo is doing your research; if you haven't done this, you've already made your first and biggest mistake. You must see the tattoo artist who is most suited for the type of tattoo you want because there are so many different tattoo artists and such a wide selection of tattoo styles available nowadays.

Do your research, people...
