19 People Share Last-Minute Plot Twists So Bad They've Ruined The Whole Movies For Them

Yes, a bad plot twist can do that...

19 People Share Last-Minute Plot Twists So Bad They've Ruined The Whole Movies For Them

When employed properly, the twist ending, like any other storytelling device, may be fantastic. Everyone recalls the revelations in "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back" and "The Sixth Sense."

You know, the ones where Darth Vader revealed he was Luke's father and that Bruce Willis had been dead all along. This sleight of hand in storytelling, on the other hand, isn't easy to pull off.

Any scriptwriter may slam a reveal at the conclusion of a story, but the twists that work are built up over time and improve everything that comes before it. Contrary to popular belief, knowing the twist increases the film's re-watchability.

Yes, people want to watch again movies for which they already know the plot twist. This is because viewers now have the opportunity to revisit the story with insider knowledge in order to pick up any clues they missed the first time around.

It has the potential to be one of the most satisfying movie experiences ever. Unfortunately, there are at least as many that are ridiculous, sloppy, manipulative, far-fetched, too predictable, not predictable enough, or just laughable for every excellent twist.

Some films build their plots around the twist and sink like the Titanic if it fails. So, what are the worst movie twist endings ever?

We've compiled them here for your convenience, but be warned: some serious spoilers are coming.

We have to warn you that there will be some spoilers ahead:

We have to warn you that there will be some spoilers ahead:giphy

1. In The Rise of Skywalker, when Kylo Ren/Ben Solo died after kissing Rey.

"The movies are leading up to this big moment that will reveal why the two of them are connected. She heals him.

He heals her. They kiss, and he dies.

Like WHAT? That’s all? He finally becomes a likable character you can root for, and you kill him off with a snap of the fingers?

Nah. I didn’t come here to see the entire Skywalker clan killed off so Rey can take their name."


"You have to admit, the death of that beautiful man and his beautiful sweater is a tragic loss."


1. In The Rise of Skywalker, when Kylo Ren/Ben Solo died after kissing Rey.Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures / Via Disney+

2. In The Cabin in the Woods, when Dana and Marty discovered they were being tortured to appease a secret pantheon of gods.

"They should’ve come up with a better explanation for why they were doing what they were doing."


2. In The Cabin in the Woods, when Dana and Marty discovered they were being tortured to appease a secret pantheon of gods.Lionsgate / Via Hulu

3. The villain in Incredibles 2 was revealed to be Evelyn Deavor, one of Elastigirl's business partners.

"It was a predictable, cliche, bland, and uncreative plot twist. Evelyn was snarky and against heroes the whole movie, so why would her role as the villain surprise anyone?

After the first movie created one of the best villains ever, I was disappointed.

It really dampened the whole female empowerment message, too."


3. The villain in Incredibles 2 was revealed to be Evelyn Deavor, one of Elastigirl's business partners.Pixar / Via Disney+

4. When Anna, instead of Kate, lived to see the conclusion of My Sister's Keeper.

"I read the book before seeing the movie and braced myself for the ending. The main character dies, but her sister with cancer lives on.

The movie changed the ending so that the main character lives while her sister dies. I was so upset!"


"It ruined the emotional impact of the book. I was furious when I watched it because it just turned the story into a cheesy Hallmark version of it."


4. When Anna, instead of Kate, lived to see the conclusion of My Sister's Keeper.Warner Bros. Pictures / Via youtube.com

5. In Ready or Not, when the family started to explode.

"I just started laughing at how stupid it was."


5. In Ready or Not, when the family started to explode.Fox Searchlight Pictures / Via youtube.com

6. At the end of It Follows, Jaime and Paul simply went away without attempting to learn more about the monster.

"We’re left to just assume that 'it' will continue on to the next community 'it' destroys. There are no details related to what 'it' even is.

Unless they come through with a follow up, it’ll remain one of the biggest disappointments in horror film history."


6. At the end of It Follows, Jaime and Paul simply went away without attempting to learn more about the monster.RADiUS-TWC / Via youtube.com

7. In Nothing to Hide, all of the secrets the couples found about each other turned out to be a dream.

"Just when they had aired everything out, they make it so 'it was all a dream.' None of the couples found out about each other’s secrets that would have been detrimental to their relationships, and instead they continued to lie to each other."


7. In Nothing to Hide, all of the secrets the couples found about each other turned out to be a dream.Mars Distribution / Via Netflix

8. In Glass, when David drowned in a shallow mud puddle.

"Everything after the final fight...the goddamned mud puddle, the stupid secret society, all of it. But I was the most pissed off by the mud puddle."


8. In Glass, when David drowned in a shallow mud puddle.Universal Pictures / Via youtube.com

9. In The Nutcracker and the Four Realms, the Sugar Plum Fairy turns out to be a villain.

"Lately, almost all Disney villains have been a twist villain, and it's just such lazy writing at this point. I mean, Frozen, Coco, Incredibles II, Wreck-it Ralph, Moana, Zootopia, Toy Story 3, and Big Hero 6 all had twist villains.

What happened to just straight out saying, 'This is the bad guy. Here's a cool villain song. Have fun'?"


9. In The Nutcracker and the Four Realms, the Sugar Plum Fairy turns out to be a villain.Disney / Via Disney+

10. In Grease, when Sandy and Danny flew away in a car.

"The movie becomes so much more unrealistic."


10. In Grease, when Sandy and Danny flew away in a car.Paramount Pictures / Via youtube.com

11. In Last Christmas, when Tom revealed himself to be the ghost of Kate's organ donor.

"I get that Kate grew from the experience, but it wasn't the kind of happy ending I was looking for when watching a Christmas movie."


11. In Last Christmas, when Tom revealed himself to be the ghost of Kate's organ donor.Universal Pictures / Via youtube.com

12. In Now You See Me, one of the investigators turns out to be the master manipulator

"Mark Ruffalo turns out to be the one who's behind everything even though he spent the whole movie as the cop investigating."


12. In Now You See Me, one of the investigators turns out to be the master manipulatorSummi Entertainment / Via youtube.com

13. When The Village was genuinely set in the twenty-first century from the start.

"It started out great, very suspenseful and scary. I totally got hooked in and couldn’t wait to see the monster everyone was so afraid of.

There was no monster! It ended up that they were a group of people who created a society to live in a bygone era in an attempt to live in 'simpler' times instead of intense current times. "


13. When The Village was genuinely set in the twenty-first century from the start.Buena Vista Pictures / Via youtube.com

14. In Remember Me, Tyler died on September 11, 2001.

"It was a sweet drama/romance that came out in 2010 with very few clues that it actually was taking place in 2001."


14. In Remember Me, Tyler died on September 11, 2001.Summit Entertainment / Via Netflix

15. In Serenity, when Wash was killed right after delivering a memorable line.

"Wash was killed just as he delivered his classic line, ‘I am a leaf on the wind.' Joss Whedon did him dirty!"


15. In Serenity, when Wash was killed right after delivering a memorable line.Universal Pictures / Via youtube.com

16. In The Last Exorcism, when Nell, Marcus, Louis, and the others were tormented by a magical cult.

"It really seemed to be about the psychology of guilt and shame and the human mind, and then BAM! NOPE, THERE'S A DEVIL-WORSHIPPING CULT."


16. In The Last Exorcism, when Nell, Marcus, Louis, and the others were tormented by a magical cult.Lionsgate / Via youtube.com

17. In Duel, the much-anticipated explosion was actually quite tiny.

"The whole movie, this guy is being harassed by a tanker truck driver, and you watch with this anticipation that there's going to be one hell of an explosion at the end, which never comes. It's a pain you have to share, so I recommended it to several friends."


17. In Duel, the much-anticipated explosion was actually quite tiny.Universal Pictures / Via youtube.com

18. In The Green Mile, when Paul and the mouse achieved immortality.

"Tom Hank's character and the mouse get immortality after John Coffey died. I love that movie up until that point."


18. In The Green Mile, when Paul and the mouse achieved immortality.Warner Bros. Pictures / Via youtube.com

19. Finally, in Knowing, aliens abducted the children.

"Aliens were not mentioned at all throughout the film!"


19. Finally, in Knowing, aliens abducted the children.Summit Entertainment / Via youtube.com

Filmmaking is not easy. So many pieces have to be fitted perfectly.

And it is expected for the moviemakers to slip up once in a while. And even bad plot twists are not such a big deal on their own.

But the problem is when they build the whole movie around that plot twist, everything leading to that culmination… And then it disappoints.
