Woman Refuses To Attend Husband's Family Reunion As They're Very Rude To Her, Husband Terms Her An AH

"He does the BARE minimum, BARE minimum"

Woman Refuses To Attend Husband's Family Reunion As They're Very Rude To Her, Husband Terms Her An AH

Families dispersing throughout the state, nation, or even the globe are more prevalent than ever these days. Although staying in touch is made simpler by technology, nothing compares to spending meaningful time in person with your family to forge bonds, reinforce relationships, and generate experiences that will be cherished for years to come.

Our lives and happiness can be greatly impacted by our family relationships. Since humans are social beings by nature, establishing and preserving strong relationships is crucial.

A family reunion can have a significant impact on family members by fostering the creation of enduring memories through exciting new experiences and memorable activities. It's a chance to exchange customs, tales, and cherished family recipes.

It's also an excellent opportunity to transmit family history and foster relationships across generations. It's crucial to tell younger generations the war, immigration, and hardship stories that many families have to tell.

All of this can strengthen family ties for both young and old while teaching younger family members about their history and culture. But the OP of today's story hates attending her husband's family reunions.

When the OP attended the first reunion, his relatives were very rude to her. They made disrespectful comments about the OP being pregnant but not married, and one relative kept teasing her and her baby's name so much that she left crying.

The OP refused to attend the next reunion, and her husband was so bitter about it.

OP writes

OP writesReddit/ProcedureHungry3909

OP's oldest has picked up on a lot of it and then asks her why they are so mean

OP's oldest has picked up on a lot of it and then asks her why they are so meanReddit/ProcedureHungry3909

OP came home, and her husband was gone, but called asking when the kids would be home

OP came home, and her husband was gone, but called asking when the kids would be homeReddit/ProcedureHungry3909

OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the a-hole:

  1. Should i have gone to the reunion or not
  2. My husband said i was an a-hole for not going

Let's head into the comments section and find out what other Redditors have to say

Let's head into the comments section and find out what other Redditors have to sayReddit/ProcedureHungry3909

One with rules and no accusations

One with rules and no accusationsReddit/ProcedureHungry3909

This Redditor doesn't know why OP's spending time with him

This Redditor doesn't know why OP's spending time with himReddit/ProcedureHungry3909

The OP reveals when she actually told the husband that she wasn't going

I told him a weeks prior, days prior, the night before, and that morning. He knew from the beginning I wasn't going. The moment it was planned months prior, i told him no.

OP is actually taking a stance against bullying

OP is actually taking a stance against bullyingReddit/ProcedureHungry3909

Apologies in advance for over stepping

Apologies in advance for over steppingReddit/ProcedureHungry3909

OP is adviced to ditch her husband

OP is adviced to ditch her husbandReddit/ProcedureHungry3909

It all makes sense if the OP accepts the premises

It all makes sense if the OP accepts the premisesReddit/ProcedureHungry3909

OP's husband hasn't stood up for her since the beginning

OP's husband hasn't stood up for her since the beginningReddit/ProcedureHungry3909

Many Redditors were mad that OP's husband hasn't defended her since the start and he doesn't show up to her family's events. He holds the OP responsible for everything, and some say he might be doing that to appease his family.

The OP was adviced to speak with a lawyer, obtain an order against him, and have him removed from her home because of his abusive ranting. She was declared not the AH.
